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SCONJ: subordinating conjunction


A subordinating conjunction is a conjunction that links constructions by making one of them a constituent of the other. The subordinating conjunction typically marks the incorporated constituent which has the status of a (subordinate) clause.

For coordinating conjunctions, see CONJ.



Treebank Statistics (UD_Czech)

There are 46 SCONJ lemmas (0%), 47 SCONJ types (0%) and 27718 SCONJ tokens (2%). Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of SCONJ is: 12 in number of lemmas, 14 in number of types and 12 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent SCONJ lemmas: že, jako, aby, než, když, pokud, protože, zda, jak, zatímco

The 10 most frequent SCONJ types: že, jako, aby, než, když, pokud, protože, zda, jak, zatímco

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: jak (ADV 1801, SCONJ 399, CONJ 52, PROPN 5), co (PRON 1859, ADV 239, SCONJ 210, PART 21), (PART 1384, CONJ 639, SCONJ 139), byť (SCONJ 120, VERB 1), (SCONJ 115, PART 73), místo (NOUN 1144, ADP 191, SCONJ 10, ADV 5), jakoby (ADV 23, SCONJ 7), namísto (ADP 30, SCONJ 3), as (CONJ 4, NOUN 2, SCONJ 2), if (SCONJ 1, PROPN 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: než (SCONJ 2120, PART 4), jak (ADV 1350, SCONJ 222, CONJ 50, PROPN 5), co (PRON 1187, ADV 233, SCONJ 207, PART 7), (PART 1295, CONJ 639, SCONJ 111), (SCONJ 95, PART 60), místo (NOUN 359, ADP 140, SCONJ 7, ADV 5), jakoby (ADV 22, SCONJ 5), namísto (ADP 22, SCONJ 2)


The form / lemma ratio of SCONJ is 1.021739 (the average of all parts of speech is 2.195950).

The 1st highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “ačkoliv”: ačkoli, ačkoliv.

The 2nd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “aby”: aby.

The 3rd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “ak”: ak.

SCONJ occurs with 1 features: cs-feat/Foreign (8; 0% instances)

SCONJ occurs with 1 feature-value pairs: Foreign=Foreign

SCONJ occurs with 2 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is _ (27710 tokens). Examples: že, jako, aby, než, když, pokud, protože, zda, jak, zatímco


SCONJ nodes are attached to their parents using 14 different relations: cs-dep/mark (26405; 95% instances), cs-dep/advmod (563; 2% instances), cs-dep/mwe (437; 2% instances), cs-dep/cc (263; 1% instances), cs-dep/dep (17; 0% instances), cs-dep/conj (6; 0% instances), cs-dep/discourse (6; 0% instances), cs-dep/root (6; 0% instances), cs-dep/foreign (4; 0% instances), cs-dep/advmod:emph (3; 0% instances), cs-dep/case (3; 0% instances), cs-dep/nmod (3; 0% instances), cs-dep/dobj (1; 0% instances), cs-dep/nsubj (1; 0% instances)

Parents of SCONJ nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: VERB (19054; 69% instances), NOUN (4747; 17% instances), ADJ (2169; 8% instances), CONJ (433; 2% instances), ADV (344; 1% instances), PROPN (335; 1% instances), NUM (302; 1% instances), PRON (225; 1% instances), PART (57; 0% instances), DET (30; 0% instances), SCONJ (14; 0% instances), ROOT (6; 0% instances), SYM (2; 0% instances)

27597 (100%) SCONJ nodes are leaves.

101 (0%) SCONJ nodes have one child.

9 (0%) SCONJ nodes have two children.

11 (0%) SCONJ nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a SCONJ node is 6.

Children of SCONJ nodes are attached using 10 different relations: cs-dep/mwe (90; 56% instances), cs-dep/punct (31; 19% instances), cs-dep/cc (10; 6% instances), cs-dep/conj (10; 6% instances), cs-dep/advcl (7; 4% instances), cs-dep/dep (5; 3% instances), cs-dep/mark (3; 2% instances), cs-dep/aux (2; 1% instances), cs-dep/nmod (2; 1% instances), cs-dep/parataxis (1; 1% instances)

Children of SCONJ nodes belong to 11 different parts of speech: ADV (78; 48% instances), PUNCT (31; 19% instances), SCONJ (14; 9% instances), CONJ (12; 7% instances), VERB (12; 7% instances), NOUN (4; 2% instances), ADJ (3; 2% instances), AUX (2; 1% instances), PART (2; 1% instances), PRON (2; 1% instances), ADP (1; 1% instances)

Treebank Statistics (UD_Czech-CAC)

There are 45 SCONJ lemmas (0%), 46 SCONJ types (0%) and 8802 SCONJ tokens (2%). Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of SCONJ is: 9 in number of lemmas, 10 in number of types and 11 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent SCONJ lemmas: že, jako, aby, když, proto, než, protože, pokud, takže, jestliže

The 10 most frequent SCONJ types: že, jako, aby, když, proto, než, protože, pokud, takže, jestliže

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: proto (SCONJ 567, CONJ 9), (SCONJ 43, PART 32), (PART 517, SCONJ 36, CONJ 6), co (PRON 525, ADV 166, SCONJ 16, PART 3, ADJ 1), jak (ADV 751, SCONJ 15, CONJ 2), dokud (ADV 12, SCONJ 3), jakoby (ADV 16, SCONJ 3), místo (NOUN 366, ADP 50, SCONJ 2), sotva (ADV 21, SCONJ 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: proto (SCONJ 364, CONJ 7), (SCONJ 42, PART 27), (PART 502, SCONJ 32, CONJ 6), co (PRON 382, ADV 160, SCONJ 15, PART 1, ADJ 1), jak (ADV 654, SCONJ 14, CONJ 2), dokud (ADV 8, SCONJ 2), jakoby (ADV 16, SCONJ 3), místo (NOUN 99, ADP 42, SCONJ 2), Sotva (ADV 4, SCONJ 1)


The form / lemma ratio of SCONJ is 1.022222 (the average of all parts of speech is 2.206260).

The 1st highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “ačkoliv”: ačkoli, ačkoliv.

The 2nd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “aby”: aby.

The 3rd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “aniž”: aniž.

SCONJ does not occur with any features.


SCONJ nodes are attached to their parents using 13 different relations: cs-dep/mark (7727; 88% instances), cs-dep/advmod (418; 5% instances), cs-dep/cc (413; 5% instances), cs-dep/mwe (186; 2% instances), cs-dep/conj (17; 0% instances), cs-dep/root (13; 0% instances), cs-dep/dep (12; 0% instances), cs-dep/case (7; 0% instances), cs-dep/discourse (4; 0% instances), cs-dep/nmod (2; 0% instances), cs-dep/appos (1; 0% instances), cs-dep/aux (1; 0% instances), cs-dep/xcomp (1; 0% instances)

Parents of SCONJ nodes belong to 15 different parts of speech: VERB (5474; 62% instances), NOUN (1915; 22% instances), ADJ (771; 9% instances), CONJ (171; 2% instances), ADV (170; 2% instances), NUM (86; 1% instances), PRON (86; 1% instances), PROPN (48; 1% instances), SYM (41; 0% instances), ROOT (13; 0% instances), PART (9; 0% instances), DET (7; 0% instances), SCONJ (7; 0% instances), AUX (3; 0% instances), PUNCT (1; 0% instances)

8657 (98%) SCONJ nodes are leaves.

100 (1%) SCONJ nodes have one child.

19 (0%) SCONJ nodes have two children.

26 (0%) SCONJ nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a SCONJ node is 8.

Children of SCONJ nodes are attached using 17 different relations: cs-dep/advmod:emph (67; 26% instances), cs-dep/punct (50; 19% instances), cs-dep/cc (45; 18% instances), cs-dep/conj (29; 11% instances), cs-dep/mwe (23; 9% instances), cs-dep/advcl (14; 5% instances), cs-dep/dep (8; 3% instances), cs-dep/acl (7; 3% instances), cs-dep/nmod (3; 1% instances), cs-dep/advmod (2; 1% instances), cs-dep/cop (2; 1% instances), cs-dep/nsubj (2; 1% instances), cs-dep/ccomp (1; 0% instances), cs-dep/csubj (1; 0% instances), cs-dep/mark (1; 0% instances), cs-dep/neg (1; 0% instances), cs-dep/parataxis (1; 0% instances)

Children of SCONJ nodes belong to 10 different parts of speech: ADV (79; 31% instances), PUNCT (50; 19% instances), VERB (42; 16% instances), CONJ (34; 13% instances), PART (19; 7% instances), NOUN (15; 6% instances), SCONJ (7; 3% instances), ADP (6; 2% instances), PRON (3; 1% instances), ADJ (2; 1% instances)

Treebank Statistics (UD_Czech-CLTT)

There are 18 SCONJ lemmas (1%), 18 SCONJ types (0%) and 389 SCONJ tokens (1%). Out of 15 observed tags, the rank of SCONJ is: 9 in number of lemmas, 11 in number of types and 12 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent SCONJ lemmas: pokud, jako, než, že, aby, zda, jestliže, jakož, až, jak

The 10 most frequent SCONJ types: pokud, jako, než, že, aby, zda, jestliže, jakož, až, jak

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: (PART 30, SCONJ 7, CONJ 1), jak (SCONJ 3, ADV 2)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: (PART 30, SCONJ 7, CONJ 1), jak (SCONJ 3, ADV 2)


The form / lemma ratio of SCONJ is 1.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.764161).

The 1st highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “aby”: aby.

The 2nd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “ač”: .

The 3rd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “až”: .

SCONJ does not occur with any features.


SCONJ nodes are attached to their parents using 5 different relations: cs-dep/mark (363; 93% instances), cs-dep/cc (18; 5% instances), cs-dep/advmod (5; 1% instances), cs-dep/advmod:emph (2; 1% instances), cs-dep/case (1; 0% instances)

Parents of SCONJ nodes belong to 6 different parts of speech: VERB (200; 51% instances), NOUN (114; 29% instances), ADJ (47; 12% instances), NUM (21; 5% instances), X (5; 1% instances), ADV (2; 1% instances)

387 (99%) SCONJ nodes are leaves.

1 (0%) SCONJ nodes have one child.

1 (0%) SCONJ nodes have two children.

The highest child degree of a SCONJ node is 2.

Children of SCONJ nodes are attached using 3 different relations: cs-dep/mwe (1; 33% instances), cs-dep/nmod (1; 33% instances), cs-dep/punct (1; 33% instances)

Children of SCONJ nodes belong to 3 different parts of speech: ADP (1; 33% instances), NOUN (1; 33% instances), PUNCT (1; 33% instances)

SCONJ in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]