Note: nmod, neg, and punct appear in two places.
: clausal modifier of noun
marks finite and non-finite clauses that modify a noun except for relative clauses which get the relation acl:relcl.
Haben Sie den Eindruck , daß das Licht heller geworden ist ? \n Do you have the impression that the light got brighter ?
acl(Eindruck, geworden)
Tatsächlich gibt es Bestrebungen , den Straßenverkehr sicherer zu machen . \n There are indeed efforts to make the traffic safer .
acl(Bestrebungen, machen)
: relative clause modifier
A relative clause is a clause that modifies a noun. Relative clauses
are finite and are introduced with a relative pronoun that refers back to the noun.
is a subtype of the acl relation.
Er legt das Buch auf den Tisch , der dort drüben steht . \n Put the book on the table that stands over there .
acl:relcl(Tisch, steht)
nsubj(steht, der)
Er stellt den Teller auf den Tisch , auf dem schon das Buch liegt . \n Put the plate on the table on which the book lies already .
acl:relcl(Tisch, liegt)
nmod(liegt, dem)
Extraposed relative clauses often introduce non-projective structures.
Petra hat diese Frau angerufen , die er gestern getroffen hat . \n Petra called this woman who she met yesterday .
acl:relcl(Frau, getroffen)
dobj(angerufen, Frau)
aux(angerufen, hat)
nsubj(getroffen, die)
: adverbial clause modifier
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for advcl
: adverbial modifier
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for advmod
: adjectival modifier
marks adjectival modifiers that modify the meaning of a noun.
Er ißt rohes Fleisch . \n He eats raw meat .
amod(Fleisch, rohes)
die Rheintaler Bauern \n the farmers from the Rhine valley
amod(Bauern, Rheintaler)
: appositional modifier
marks nominal appositions to noun phrases. This includes parenthesized noun phrases and abbreviations that specify the modified noun.
Die neue Senatorin für Stadtentwicklung , Traute Müller , tritt heute ihren Dienst an . \n The new senator for city development , Traute Müller , assumes her office today .
appos(Senatorin, Traute)
name(Traute, Müller)
das Niedersächsische Landeskriminalamt ( LKA ) \n the Lower-Saxonian state police office ( LKA )
appos(Landeskriminalamt, LKA)
: auxiliary
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for aux
: passive auxiliary
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for auxpass
: case marking
marks mostly prepositions in prepositional phrases. Prepositions are considered dependents of the noun whose case value they govern. The case
relation aims at providing a uniform analysis of prepositions and case in morphologically rich languages.
Sie stehen an der Straße . \n They stand on the street .
case(Straße, an)
Sie warten auf den Bus . \n They wait for the bus .
case(Bus, auf)
is also used to mark the comparative marker in comparative constructions that involve noun phrases, prepositional phrases, or adjectives.
Der Bus ist schneller als die Straßenbahn . \n The bus is faster than the tram .
case(Straßenbahn, als)
Das sieht alles andere als einfach aus . \n This looks anything but simple .
case(einfach, als)
: coordinating conjunction
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for cc
: clausal complement
marks clausal dependents of verbs that function like a complement of that verb. The complement clause has its own internal subject.
Jeder hier glaubt , daß er eine Chance hat . \n Everyone here thinks that he has a chance .
ccomp(glaubt, hat)
nsubj(hat, er)
Es heißt , die Arbeiter würden streiken . \n People say the workers are on strike .
ccomp(heißt, streiken)
Wann kann ich mir anschauen , was du gemacht hast ? \n When will I see what you have done .
ccomp(anschauen, gemacht)
: compound
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for compound
: separable verb particle
Depending on the clause type in German, particles and verb stems of particle verbs either stand together or separate in the sentence. compound:prt
is used to mark the separated particles of particle verbs. It is a subtype of the compound relation.
In main clauses, particles appear in sentence-final position separate from their verb stem, which stands in second position.
Der Koch schlägt die Eier auf . \n The chef breaks the eggs .
compound:prt(schlägt, auf)
In subordinate clauses, particle verbs appear with their particles in sentence-final position. In this case, they form a single token.
... , weil der Koch die Eier aufschlägt . \n ... , because the chef breaks the eggs .
: conjunct
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for conj
: copula
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for cop
: clausal subject
marks a clausal subject of a sentence.
Aber warum nur so wenige Frauen ein Polizeipräsidium leiten , hat verschiedene Gründe . \n But why only so few women lead a police department has different reasons .
csubj(hat, leiten)
For copula constructions, the head of the clausal subject is the predicative complement of the copula.
Ob dies die Unzufriedenheit zu zügeln vermag , ist zweifelhaft \n Whether this can control the unrest is dubious .
csubj(zweifelhaft, vermag)
: clausal passive subject
marks clausal subjects of passive clauses.
Hier kann nicht mehr eingeschätzt werden, wann es anfängt zu brennen . \n It cannot be estimated anymore when it starts burning .
csubjpass(eingeschätzt, anfängt)
: unspecified dependency
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for dep
: determiner
marks the relation between a noun and its determiner. Attributively used indefinite, demonstrative, or interrogative pronouns are also marked with det
Der Mann betrat eine Küche . \n The man entered a kitchen .
det(Mann, Der)
det(Küche, eine)
Dieses Mädchen erfuhr wenige Sekunden später, welche Note sie bekommen hatte . \n This girl found out only few seconds later which grade she had gotten.
det(Mädchen, Dieses)
det(Sekunden, wenige)
det(Note, welche)
: discourse element
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for discourse
: dislocated elements
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for dislocated
: direct object
marks a noun phrase that is the direct object of a verb. The direct object is in accusative case.
Die Frau gibt dem Kind einen Apfel . \n The woman gives the child an apple .
dobj(gibt, Apfel)
: expletive
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for expl
: foreign words
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for foreign
: goes with
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for goeswith
: indirect object
marks a noun phrase that is the indirect object of a verb. The indirect object is in dative case.
Die Frau gibt dem Kind einen Apfel . \n The woman gives the child an apple .
iobj(gibt, Kind)
: list
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for list
: marker
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for mark
: multi-word expression
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for mwe
: name
The name
relation is one of the three relations for compounding in UD (together with compound and mwe). It is used for proper nouns constituted of multiple nominal elements. For example, name
would be used between the words of Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York, or Carl XVI Gustaf but not to replace the usual relations in a phrasal or clausal name like The king of Sweden or the novels The Lord of the Rings and Captured By Aliens.
Words joined by name
should all be part of a minimal noun phrase; otherwise regular syntactic relations should be used. This is basically similar to the treatment of noun compounds with compound, except that in many cases parts of the name may be another nominal element such as an adjective (United Airlines).
In general, names are annotated in a flat, head-initial structure, in which all words in the name modify the first one using the name
Carl XVI Gustav
name(Carl, XVI)
name(Carl, Gustav)
Frankfurt am Main
nmod(Frankfurt, Main)
case(Main, am)
: negation modifier
marks the relation between a negation word and the word it modifies.
Er hat den Mann nicht gesehen . \n He didn't see the man .
neg(gesehen, nicht)
Er will nicht mehr Fußball spielen . \n He doesn't want to play soccer anymore .
neg(mehr, nicht)
Er hat keinen Regenschirm mitgebracht . \n He didn't bring an umbrella .
neg(Regenschirm, keinen)
: nominal modifier
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for nmod
: nominal subject
marks noun phrases that are the subject of a finite clause. The head of nsubj
is typically a verb, but can be another noun phrase or adjective, for example in copula constructions.
Die Frau schläft . \n The woman sleeps .
nsubj(schläft, Frau)
Die Frau ist Ärztin . \n The woman is a doctor .
nsubj(Ärztin, Frau)
Die Frau ist müde . \n The woman is tired .
nsubj(müde, Frau)
: passive nominal subject
marks the subject of a passive clause.
Das Bild wurde von Picasso gemalt . \n The painting was painted by Picasso .
nsubjpass(gemalt, Bild)
: numeric modifier
marks numeric modifiers that modify the meaning of a noun with a quantity.
eine Milliarde Menschen \n one billion people
nummod(Menschen, Milliarde)
Er bezahlte 50 Euro . \n He paid 50 Euros .
nummod(Euro, 50)
: parataxis
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for parataxis
: punctuation
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for punct
: remnant in ellipsis
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for remnant
: overridden disfluency
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for reparandum
: root
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for root
: vocative
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for vocative
: open clausal complement
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for xcomp