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The UD documentation for Greek is work in progress and currently contains guidelines for syntactic structures. These guidelines are based on research in the context of the Greek Dependency Treebank (GDT) and will be used in porting GDT to a UD-compatible representation.

GDT is a resource for Modern Greek manually annotated for morphology, syntax and semantics. It is an ongoing project led by researchers at the Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP/Athena Research Centre), with the help of students from the Technoglossia postgraduate program and the University of Athens. The texts include transcripts of European parliamentary sessions, articles from the Greek Wikipedia, and web documents pertaining the politics, health, and travel domains. The annotation scheme used for the original syntactic layer of the GDT is based on an adaptation of the guidelines for the Prague Dependency Treebank.


We wish to thank ILSP researchers Haris Papageorgiou and Maria Koutsombogera, as well as all student annotators for their contributions to the GDT effort.
