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Features fr

Lexical features
Inflectional features
Nominal Verbal
Gender VerbForm
Animacy Mood
Number Tense
Case Aspect
Definite Voice
Degree Person

Animacy: animacy [ ]

The French treebank doesn’t contain information about Animacy.

edit Animacy

Aspect: aspect [ ]

French does not have the Aspect feature.

edit Aspect

Case: case [ ]

Case only appears for French in rare cases, where a phrase is borrowed from Latin or another case-marked language.

edit Case

Definite: definiteness or state [ ]

Determiners have the Definite feature, which takes either a definite or indefinite value.

edit Definite

Degree: degree of comparison [ ]

French does not have the Degree feature. It appears rarely on foreign words, such as English.

edit Degree

Gender: gender [ ]

The possible values for Gender in French is masculine or feminine. It occurs with nouns, adjectives, past participles, determiners and pronouns. Words from other languages can have a neutral gender.

edit Gender

Mood: mood [ ]

Mood has the four following possible values for French, on finite verb forms:

  • Ind: indicative
  • Imp: imperative
  • Cnd: conditional
  • Sub: subjunctive
edit Mood

Negative: whether the word can be or is negated [ ]

Negative is not used in the French data.

edit Negative

NumType: numeral type [ ]

NumType is not yet annotated for French.

edit NumType

Number: number [ ]

Number in French is either singular or plular. It occurs with nouns, adjectives, pronouns, determiners and verbs. It also occurs with some NUM which are abberviations for hours such as 00h30.

edit Number

Person: person [ ]

Person is marked for verbs and pronouns in French, as first (1), second (2), or third (3) person.

edit Person

Poss: possessive [ ]

Poss is not yet annotated for French.

edit Poss

PronType: pronominal type [ ]

French uses the following values for `PronType’: definite (Def), indefinite (Ind), negative (Neg), personal (Prs), relative (Rel) and interrogative (Int).

Not all relative and interrogative pronouns are marked so far.

edit PronType

Reflex: reflexive [ ]

Reflexive pronouns are marked as Reflex.

edit Reflex

Tense: tense [ ]

Tense should only occur on verbs in French, with one of the four following values: Past, Pres, Fut or Imp.

edit Tense

VerbForm: form of verb or deverbative [ ]

In French VerbForm is marked on verbs and can take one of the three following values:

  • Fin: finite verb
  • Inf: infinitive
  • Part: participle (some adjectives that fall in the gray zone between adjectives and participles are marked Part too)
edit VerbForm

Voice: voice [ ]

Voice is not yet coded for French.

edit Voice