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Features hu

Lexical features
Inflectional features
Nominal Verbal
Gender VerbForm
Animacy Mood
Number Tense
Case Aspect
Definite Voice
Degree Person

Animacy: animacy [ ]

This feature is not relevant in Hungarian.

edit Animacy

Aspect: aspect [ ]

Two values of Aspect are used in Hungarian, both of which denote productive derivational processes:

Freq (frequentative): üt - ütöget (hit - hit several times)

Mod (modal): üt - üthet (hit - (he) may hit)

edit Aspect

Case: case [ ]

Case is used for nominal parts-of-speech (nouns, proper nouns, numerals, adjectives and pronouns).

edit Case

Definite: definiteness or state [ ]

Definiteness is relevant for determiners and verbs in Hungarian. Besides the values Def and Indef, we apply the value 2 for marking second person objects, which trigger special inflectional suffixes on the verb:

Szeret egy fiút. love-PRES-3SG-INDEF a boy-ACC “She loves a boy.”

Szereti a fiút. love-PRES-3SG-DEF the boy-ACC “She loves the boy.”

Szeretlek. love-PRES-1SG-2SGOBJ “I love you.”

edit Definite

Degree: degree of comparison [ ]

Degree is relevant for adjectives and some adverbs in Hungarian.

edit Degree

Gender: gender [ ]

This feature is not relevant in Hungarian.

edit Gender

Mood: mood [ ]

We apply the features Ind, Cnd and Imp in Hungarian.

edit Mood

Negative: whether the word can be or is negated [ ]

This feature is not used in Hungarian.

edit Negative

NumType: numeral type [ ]

NumType is relevant for numerals and adjectives (denoting quantities).

edit NumType

Number: number [ ]

Number is relevant for nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, auxiliaries and verbs. Relevant values are Sing and Plur. We also apply the features Number[psor] and Number[psed] to denote the number of the possessor and the possessed on nominal elements.

háza house-3SGPOSS “his house” Number[psor]=Sing Person[psor]=3 Number[psed]=None
házuk house-3PLPOSS “their house” Number[psor]=Plur Person[psor]=3 Number[psed]=None
házáé house-3SGPOSS-SGPSED “that of his house” Number[psor]=Sing Person[psor]=3 Number[psed]=Sing
házáéi house-3SGPOSS-PLPSED “those of his house” Number[psor]=Sing Person[psor]=3 Number[psed]=Plur
edit Number

Person: person [ ]

Person is relevant for determiners, pronouns, auxiliaries and verbs. We also apply the feature Person[psor] to denote the person of the possessor on nominal elements.

háza house-3SGPOSS “his house” Number[psor]=Sing Person[psor]=3 Number[psed]=None
házam house-1SGPOSS “my house” Number[psor]=Sing Person[psor]=1 Number[psed]=None
edit Person

Poss: possessive [ ]

Poss is not applied in Hungarian.

edit Poss

PronType: pronominal type [ ]

PronType is relevant for ADVs, DETs and PRONs in Hungarian. For adverbs, we apply two specific values:

Default denotes “general” adverbs without any specifications.

AdvPart denotes adverbial participles (futva - running).

edit PronType

Reflex: reflexive [ ]

This feature is relevant for pronouns in Hungarian.

edit Reflex

Tense: tense [ ]

This feature is used for verbs and auxiliaries, with the values Past and Pres.

edit Tense

VerbForm: form of verb or deverbative [ ]

For verbs and auxiliaries, VerbForm denotes finite and infinitival forms of verbs. For adjectives, verbForm may denote whether it is a participle:

Part:Pres (present participle) - futó “running”

Part:Past (past participle) - főtt “cooked”

Part:Fut (future participle) - eljövendő “to come”

edit VerbForm

Voice: voice [ ]

We use Voice for verbs and auxiliaries with two values, Act and Cau.

edit Voice