Note: nmod, neg, and punct appear in two places.
: clausal modifier of noun
is used for finite and non-finite clauses that modify a nominal (either a noun or a pronoun). The head of the acl
relation is the noun/pronoun that is modified, and the dependent is the head of the clause that modifies the noun/pronoun.
is used in the following cases:
- participial modifiers of nouns
Commossa , Fiona May ha parlato
acl(Fiona, Commossa)
nsubj(parlato, Fiona)
name(Fiona, May)
aux(parlato, ha)
Due persone armate di pistola
acl(persone, armate)
- relative clauses, also including free relatives. Note that in Italian relative clauses are assigned a specific relation
, which is a subtype ofacl
L' inchiesta che coinvolge Bernard Tapie
acl:relcl(inchiesta, coinvolge)
La vita , in cui il mutamento avviene
acl:relcl(vita, avviene)
- finite clausal complements of nouns like fatto fact, considerazione consideration, bisogno need
il fatto che Gianni faccia l' attore
acl(fatto, faccia)
- infinitival modifiers of nouns
non è il caso di pensare
acl(caso, pensare)
quello di agevolare l' accesso
acl(quello, agevolare)
: adverbial clause modifier
An adverbial clause modifier is a clause which modifies a verb or other predicate (adjective, etc.), as a modifier not as a core complement. This includes things such as a temporal clause, consequence, conditional clause, purpose clause, etc. The dependent must be clausal (or else it is an advmod) and the dependent is the main predicate of the clause.
cover the following typology of cases:
- participial modifiers
Muore folgorata sotto la doccia
advcl(Muore, folgorata)
- finite clausal modifiers
Quando lui muore l' azienda sbanda paurosamente
advcl(muore, sbanda)
- infinitival modifiers
Mi fecero pagare gli hezbollah per liberare due ostaggi
advcl(pagare, liberare)
- gerundival modifiers
risolvere i problemi di approvvigionamento alimentare acquistando una fazenda
advcl(risolvere, acquistando)
: adverbial modifier
An adverbial modifier of a word is a (non-clausal) adverb or adverbial phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the word. In Italian adverbial modifiers, cover all adverbs functioning as modifiers as well as pronominal adverbs here marked as clitic pronouns.
- adverbial modifiers of different types of parts of speech
Si abbatte indistintamente su uomini e donne
advmod(abbatte, indistintamente)
Poco dopo li fucilarono
advmod(dopo, poco)
advmod(fucilarono, dopo)
una strada abbastanza frequentata
advmod(frequentata, abbastanza)
cinque anni fa
advmod(anni, fa)
- pronominal adverbs modifying verbs
di questi problemi se ne occupano i preti
advmod(occupano, ne)
: adjectival modifier
An adjectival modifier is any adjective that serves to modify the meaning of a nominal head. In Italian, adjectival modifiers can occur both in pre- and post-nominal position. Note that in Italian the class of adjectives also includes ordinal numerals which thus can be adjectival modifiers.
la magistratura militare
amod(magistratura, militare)
i prossimi giorni
amod(giorni, prossimi)
la prima segnalazione
amod(segnalazione, prima)
: appositional modifier
An appositional modifier of a noun is a nominal immediately following the first noun that serves to define or modify that noun. It includes parenthesized examples, as well as defining abbreviations in one of these structures.
una società italo libica , la Gatoil
appos(società, Gatoil)
la ragazza , figlia dei custodi del caseggiato dove abita
appos(ragazza, figlia)
" Mondo Giusto " , una organizzazione non governativa
appos(Mondo, organizzazione)
una giovane turista , Tiziana Amone di 20 anni
appos(turista, Tiziana)
: auxiliary
An auxiliary of a clause is a non-main verb of the clause, e.g., a modal auxiliary (potere to can or dovere must), or a form of essere to be, avere to have or stare in a periphrastic tense. Note that the auxiliary verb used to construct the passive voice (essere or venire) is not labeled aux but auxpass.
- auxiliary avere
hanno sparato a sangue freddo
aux(sparato, hanno)
- auxiliary essere
il sequestro era avvenuto
aux(avvenuto, era)
- auxiliary stare
stavano realizzando un serbatoio
aux(realizzando, stavano)
- modal auxiliaries
non l' hanno potuto ascoltare
aux(ascoltare, potuto)
dovrà sparire la figura
aux(sparire, dovrà)
: passive auxiliary
A passive auxiliary (essere / venire) of a clause is a non-main verb of the clause which contains the passive information.
L' escursione era guidata da Castiglioni
auxpass(guidata, era)
Note that periphrastic tenses in passive constructions are marked as follows, by distinguishing between the passive auxiliary (i.e. that immediately preceding the verbal head) which is marked as auxpass and the tense auxiliaries (the preceding ones) which are marked as aux.
è stato trovato
auxpass(trovato, stato)
aux(trovato, è)
potrebbe essere stato trovato
auxpass(trovato, stato)
aux(trovato, essere)
aux(trovato, potrebbe)
: case marking
In Italian, the case relation is used for any preposition introducing a noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb. Prepositions are treated as dependents of the noun they attach to or introduce in an “extended nominal projection”. Thus, contrary to previous versions of the Italian Treebank, UD does not treat a preposition as a mediator between a modified word and its object. The case relation aims at providing a more uniform analysis of prepositions and case in morphologically rich languages.
Sono d' accordo su il principio
case(principio, su)
det(principio, il)
nmod(Sono, accordo)
nmod(accordo, principio)
il ministro di l' Interno
case(Interno, di)
det(Interno, l')
nmod(ministro, Interno)
: coordinating conjunction
A coordinating conjunction relation (cc) holds between the head conjunct of a coordinate structure (which is taken to be the first conjunct) and any of the coordinating conjunctions involved in the structure. This also includes the first element in paired conjunctions like sia … sia “both … and”. cc also marks the relation between a sentence initial coordinating conjunction and the sentence root. Note that punctuation is never treated as coordinating conjunction. For more on coordination, see the conj relation.
Due bambini e quattro tecnici
cc(bambini, e)
a il mare e su le strade
cc(mare, e)
né auspicabile né fattibile
cc(auspicabile, né)
cc(auspicabile, né)
Ma non è il caso di pensare
cc(caso, Ma)
: clausal complement
A clausal complement (ccomp) of a verb or adjective is a dependent clause which is a core argument. Such clausal complements may be finite or nonfinite. If the subject of the clausal complement is controlled (that is, must be the same as the higher subject, object or indirect object, with no other possible interpretation) the appropriate relation is xcomp.
- finite clausal complement of verbal head
Le ha detto che il rapimento era avvenuto a scopo di furto
ccomp(detto, avvenuto)
nsubj(avvenuto, rapimento)
mark(avvenuto, che)
Non so se qualche agenzia organizza viaggi
ccomp(so, organizza)
nsubj(organizza, agenzia)
mark(organizza, se)
zio Adelio avrebbe preferito studiassero in Italia
ccomp(preferito, studiassero)
aux(preferito, avrebbe)
nsubj(preferito, zio)
- finite clausal complement of adjectival head
era sicuro che non ci fossero pericoli
ccomp(sicuro, fossero)
mark(fossero, che)
nsubj(fossero, pericoli)
- infinite clausal complement of verbal head
bisogna avviare un dialogo
ccomp(bisogna, avviare)
dobj(avviare, dialogo)
si fa per dire
ccomp(fa, dire)
mark(dire, per)
- infinite clausal complement of essere. In this case, the copula is treated as a head
il problema allora non è domandar si
ccomp(è, domandar)
expl(domandar, si)
neg(è, non)
: compound
in Italian is used for noun compounds and numbers (e.g. numbers expressed alphabetically).
gli uffici leva
compound(uffici, leva)
tra donne deputate
compound(donne, deputate)
la parola chiave
compound(parola, chiave)
Oggi la 10 km donne
compound(km, donne)
det(km, la)
nummod(km, 10)
200 mila
compound(mila, 200)
: conjunct
A conjunct is the relation between two elements connected by a coordinating conjunction, such as and, or, etc. The head of the relation is the first conjunct and all the other conjuncts depend on it via the conj relation.
- coordination with conjunctions
Siamo andati alla stazione Termini e lo abbiamo chiesto
con(andati, e)
conj(andati, chiesto)
sparatorie e rapine
con(sparatorie, e)
conj(sparatorie, rapine)
qua e là
con(qua, e)
conj(qua, là)
- Asyndetic coordination with omitted conjunction. Commas or other punctuation symbols delimit the conjuncts.
Per il fratello di Luigi , la cognata , i nipoti
conj(fratello, cognata)
conj(fratello, nipoti)
quanto gli piaceva , quanto ne era innamorato
conj(piaceva, innamorato)
aux(innamorato, era)
- mixed coordination
l' ho vista brutta , ma poi si è ripreso
conj(vista, ripreso)
punct(vista, , )
con(vista, ma)
: copula
A copula is the relation between the complement of a copular verb and the copular verb essere (only). The copula be is not treated as the head of a clause, but rather as the dependent of a lexical predicate, as exemplified below.
I cinque sarebbero tutti immigrati clandestini
nsubj(immigrati, cinque)
cop(immigrati, sarebbero)
Per questo sono ambiziosi
cop(ambiziosi, sono)
Secondo l' Onu sono 200 mila le persone
nsubj(persone, mila)
compound(mila, 200)
cop(mila, sono)
This analysis is generally not adopted when the predicate is a prepositional phrase, in which case the nominal part of the prepositional phrase is the head of the clause, with a few exception in case of idiomatic forms, such as in forma in shape, expressing a property.
La scultura è di il pachistano Hamad Butt
nsubj(è, scultura)
case(Hamad, di)
det(Hamad, il)
nmod(è, Hamad)
amod(Hamad, pachistano)
name(Hamad, Butt)
If the copula is accompanied by other verbal auxiliaries (e.g. for tense), they are taken as dependents of the lexical predicate:
Non venne mai chiarito quale formazione era stata responsabile
det(formazione, quale)
nsubj(responsabile, formazione)
aux(responsabile, era)
cop(responsabile, stata)
: clausal subject
A clausal subject is a clausal syntactic subject of a clause, i.e., the subject is itself a clause. The governor of this relation might not always be a verb: when the verb is a copular verb, the root of the clause is the complement of the copular verb. The dependent is the main lexical verb or other predicate of the subject clause.
È ora che il divario con l' uomo venga salvato
csubj(ora, salvato)
aux(salvato, venga)
È stato facile ricostruire le telefonate
csubj(facile, ricostruire)
aux(facile, È)
cop(facile, stato)
Sbarcare a l' aeroporto di Kinshasa è una vera e propria avventura
csubj(avventura, Sbarcare)
cop(avventura, è)
: clausal passive subject
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for csubjpass
: unspecified dependency
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for dep
: determiner
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for det
: discourse element
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for discourse
: direct object
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for dobj
: expletive
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for expl
: foreign words
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for foreign
: indirect object
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for iobj
: list
is not used. We analyse items in a list as separate sentences or conjunctions.
: marker
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for mark
: multi-word expression
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for mwe
: name
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for name
: negation modifier
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for neg
: nominal modifier
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for nmod
: nominal subject
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for nsubj
: passive nominal subject
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for nsubjpass
: numeric modifier
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for nummod
: parataxis
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for parataxis
: punctuation
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for punct
: root
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for root
: vocative
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for vocative
: open clausal complement
This document is a placeholder for the language-specific documentation
for xcomp