Note: nmod, neg, and punct appear in two places.
: clausal modifier of noun
The dependency type acl
is used for relative clauses and clausal complements of nouns.
For a relative clause, the head of the dependency is the noun modified by the clause,
and the dependant is the main predicate of the clause.
太郎 が 食べ た リンゴ \n Taro NOM eat PAST apple
acl(リンゴ, 食べ)
case(太郎, が)
aux(食べ, た)
Formal noun こと / koto “fact” can have a clausal complement and forms a noun phrase denoting the action expressed by the clause. For a example, 走る / hashiru “run” こと / koto “fact” means running (or a fact that someone runs).
ほめ られ た こと \n praise PASSIVE PAST fact
acl(こと, ほめ)
auxpass(ほめ, られ)
aux(ほめ, た)
: adverbial clause modifier
The dependency type advcl
is reserved for subordinate clauses.
The head of the dependency is the main predicate of the main clause,
and the dependant is the main predicate of the subordinate clause.
A subordinate clauses consists of a clause and a word of “SCONJ”,
and is typically followed by the main clause.
食べ た なら 行く 。 \n eat PAST if go .
advcl(行く, 食べ)
aux(食べ, た)
mark(食べ, なら)
punct(行く, 。)
: adverbial modifier
The dependency type advmod
is used for adverbial modifiers of verbs, nominal verbs, adjectives and nominal adjectives.
ゆっくり 走る 。 \n slowly run .
advmod(走る, ゆっくり)
punct(走る, 。)
: adjectival modifier
Adjectival modifiers (amod
) are adjectives and nominal adjectives.
A nominal adjective must be followed by an auxiliary な / na to modify a noun.
Note that adjectival modifiers with arguments are tagged as “acl”.
きれい な リンゴ \n beautiful AUX apple
amod(リンゴ, きれい)
aux(きれい, な)
: appositional modifier
Appositive relations.
形態素 解析 器 Mecab \n morpheme analysis tool Mecab
appos(Mecab, 器)
compound(解析, 形態素)
compound(器, 解析)
: auxiliary
The dependency type aux
is used for auxiliary verbs and
particles that attach to predicates.
ご飯 を 食べ た 。 \n rice ACC eat PAST .
case(ご飯, を)
dobj(食べ, ご飯)
aux(食べ, た)
punct(食べ, 。)
行き ます か 。 \n go POLITE QUESTION .
aux(行き, ます)
aux(行き, か)
punct(行き, 。)
: passive auxiliary
The passive auxiliaries in Japanese are れる / reru and られる / rareru. They attach to the main verbs to form verbal phrases in the passive voice. Note that passivization causes case alternations.
太郎 が 雇わ れ た 。 \n Taro NOM employ PASSIVE PAST .
auxpass(雇わ, れ)
case(太郎, が)
nsubjpass(雇わ, 太郎)
aux(雇わ, た)
punct(雇わ, 。)
: case marking
In Japanese, case markers are particles attaching to a noun phrase. The particles are tagged as “ADP” in UD Japanese.
Typical case markers are as follows:
- が / ga for nominative
- を / o for accusative
- に / ni for dative, locative etc.
- の / no for genitive
- へ / e for locative etc.
太郎 が 東京 へ 行く 。\n Taro NOM Tokyo TO go .
case(太郎, が)
case(東京, へ)
nsubj(行く, 太郎)
nmod(行く, 東京)
太郎 の 家 \n Taro OF house
case(太郎, の)
nmod(家, 太郎)
: coordinating conjunction
The dependency type cc
is used for CONJ, that is, conjunction and coordinating conjunctive particle (e.g. と / to, や / ya).
See the example of conj.
: clausal complement
Clausal complements are typically introduced by a postpositional particle と / to “that”.
The head of the dependency ccomp
is the main verb of the main clause, and
the dependant is the main predicate of the complement.
きれい だ と 思う 。 \n beautiful AUX that think .
ccomp(思う, きれい)
aux(きれい, だ)
case(きれい, と)
punct(思う, 。)
: compound
The dependency type compound
in UD Japanese is used for noun compounds and verb compounds.
構文 解析 \n syntax analysis
compound(解析, 構文)
泳ぎ 着く \n swim reach
compound(着く, 泳ぎ)
: conjunct
The dependency type conj
represents coordination.
Following the definition of UD, the head of the dependency is the first conjunct.
太郎 と 次郎 \n Taro and Jiro
cc(太郎, と)
conj(太郎, 次郎)
: copula
The dependency type cop
is reserved for a copular auxiliary だ / da.
The auxiliary typically follows a noun phrase to form a copular clause.
A postpositional phrase with a nominative case is commonly needed to complete sentence.
For example, dependencies for 太郎 は 学生 だ 。/ Taro ha gakusei da “Taro is a student.” are as follows.
太郎 は 学生 だ 。 \n Taro TOPIC student COPULA .
nsubj(学生, 太郎)
case(太郎, は)
cop(学生, だ)
punct(学生, 。)
Note that we treat the auxiliary だ / da after adjectives as aux. Therefore dependencies for さくら が きれい だ 。 / sakura ga kirei da “The cherry blossoms are beautiful.” do not include the `cop’ relation.
さくら が きれい だ 。 \n cherry_blossoms NOM beautiful AUX .
nsubj(きれい, さくら)
case(さくら, が)
aux(きれい, だ)
punct(きれい, 。)
: clausal subject
A clausal subject (csubj
) is commonly introduced by a pair of particles,
a nominal marker の / no and a nominative case marker が / ga.
When the phrase is topicalized, the nominative が / ga is replaced by は / wa.
太郎 が 怒ら れる の は いや だ 。 \n Taro NOM punish PASSIVE that TOPIC dislike AUX .
csubj(いや, 怒ら)
nsubjpass(怒ら, 太郎)
case(太郎, が)
auxpass(怒ら, れる)
mark(怒ら, の)
case(怒ら, は)
aux(いや, だ)
punct(いや, 。)
: clausal passive subject
The dependency type csubjpass
is used for clausal subjects of passive verbs.
言っ た の が 悔やま れる 。 \n say PAST that NOM regret PASSIVE .
csubjpass(悔やま, 言っ)
auxpass(悔やま, れる)
aux(言っ, た)
mark(言っ, の)
case(言っ, が)
punct(悔やま, 。)
: determiner
The dependency type det
is for a closed set of adnominals.
The full list of the adnominals is as follows:
- この / kono “this”
- こんな / konna “this”
- あの / ano “that”
- あんな / an’na “that”
- その / sono “that”
- そんな / son’na “that”
- どの / dono “which”
- どんな / don’na “which”
この 本 \n this book
det(本, この)
: discourse element
Discourse elements (discourse
) in UD Japanese is interjection and emoticons.
あー つかれ た 。 \n ah tire PAST .
discourse(つかれ, あー)
aux(つかれ, た)
punct(つかれ, 。)
: dislocated elements
The dependency type dislocated
is used for topic phrases.
A topic phrase introduces the topic of a sentence, and are typically prepositional phrases with a topic marker は / ha.
One of the most famous examples is 象 は 鼻 が 長い 。/ zou wa hana ga nagai “For elephants, noses are long.”
象 は 鼻 が 長い 。 \n elephant TOPIC nose NOM long .
dislocated(長い, 象)
case(象, は)
case(鼻, が)
nsubj(長い, 鼻)
punct(長い, 。)
Note that the relation is not used for a topicalized phrase that is also a core argument of the sentence.
太郎 は 東京 へ 行く 。\n Taro TOPIC Tokyo TO go .
case(太郎, は)
case(東京, へ)
nsubj(行く, 太郎)
nmod(行く, 東京)
: direct object
Direct object (typically a postpositional phrase with a case marker を / o).
ご飯 を 食べる 。 \n Rice ACC eat .
dobj(食べる, ご飯)
case(ご飯, を)
punct(食べる, 。)
: foreign words
Foreign words in non-Japanese characters.
google docs を 使う 。 \n google docs ACC use .
foreign(docs, google)
case(docs, を)
dobj(使う, docs)
punct(使う, 。)
: indirect object
Indirect object (typicall a postpositional phrase with a case marker に / ni).
花子 に あげる 。 \n Hanako DAT give .
iobj(あげる, 花子)
case(花子, に)
punct(あげる, 。)
: list
1. 東京 2. 大阪 \n 1. Tokyo 2. Osaka
list(大阪-4, 東京-2)
appos(1.-1, 東京-2)
appos(2.-3, 大阪-4)
: marker
Subordinating conjunction, conjunctive particle, complementizer (と / to, か / ka).
東京 へ 行く と 言っ た 。 \n Tokyo to go that say PAST .
nmod(行く, 東京)
case(東京, へ)
mark(行く, と)
ccomp(言っ, 行く)
aux(言っ, た)
punct(言っ, 。)
: multi-word expression
Multi-word functional expressions.
太郎 に よっ て 発見 さ れ た 。 \n Taro by _ _ discover do PASSIVE PAST
case(太郎, に)
mwe(に, よっ)
mwe(に, て)
nmod(発見, 太郎)
aux(発見, さ)
auxpass(発見, れ)
aux(発見, た)
punct(発見, 。)
雨 が 降る かも しれ ない 。 \n rain NOM fall maybe _ _ .
nsubj(降る, 雨)
case(雨, が)
aux(降る, かも)
mwe(かも, しれ)
mwe(かも, ない)
punct(降る, 。)
: negation modifier
Negation with ない / nai, ず / zu for clausal predicates. Negation with 不 / fu, 非 / hi for Noun dependents.
食べ ない 。 \n eat not .
neg(ない, 食べ)
punct(食べ, 。)
不 支持 \n not support
neg(支持, 不)
: nominal modifier
Prepositional/noun phrases modifying another phrase.
明日 北海道 へ 行く 。 \n tomorrow Hokkaido TO go .
nmod(行く, 北海道)
case(北海道, へ)
nmod(行く, 明日)
punct(行く, 。)
リンゴ の ジュース \n apple OF juice
nmod(ジュース, リンゴ)
case(リンゴ, の)
: nominal subject
Nominal subjects (typically a postpositional phrase with a case marker “が” or sometimes with は / wa).
太郎 が 走る 。 \n Taro NOM runs .
nsubj(走る, 太郎)
case(太郎, が)
punct(走る, 。)
: passive nominal subject
Nominal subjects in passive forms.
太郎 が ほめ られる 。 \n Taro NOM praise PASSIVE .
nsubjpass(ほめ, 太郎)
auxpass(ほめ, られる)
case(太郎, が)
punct(ほめ, 。)
: numeric modifier
Numeral classifier phrases.
3 冊 の 本 \n 3 COUNT of books
nummod(本, 冊)
case(冊, の)
nummod(冊, 3)
: parataxis
Listing of sentences.
「 太郎 は 花子 が 好き 。 次郎 は 梅子 が 好き 。 」 と 三郎 が 言っ た 。 \n " Taro TOPIC Hanako NOM likable . Jiro TOPIC Umeko NOM likable . " that Saburo NOM say PAST .
parataxis(好き-12, 好き-6)
punct(好き-12, 「-1)
punct(好き-12, 」-14)
case(太郎-2, は-3)
case(花子-4, が-5)
dislocated(好き-6, 太郎-2)
nsubj(好き-6, 花子-4)
punct(好き-6, 。-7)
case(次郎-8, は-9)
case(梅子-10, が-11)
dislocated(好き-12, 次郎-8)
nsubj(好き-12, 梅子-10)
punct(好き-12, 。-13)
case(好き-12, と-15)
case(三郎-16, が-17)
nsubj(言っ-18, 三郎)
ccomp(言っ-18, 好き-12)
aux(言っ-18, た-19)
punct(言っ-18, 。-20)
: punctuation
太郎 が 走る 。 \n Taro NOM run .
nsubj(走る, 太郎)
case(太郎, が)
punct(走る, 。)
太郎 、 次郎 \n Taro , Jiro
punct(太郎, 、)
conj(太郎, 次郎)
: remnant in ellipsis
Used to annotate head-less coordination (see the definition in Universal Dependencies for details).
: vocative
Dialogue participant names in text.
太郎 食べ なさい 。 \n Taro eat IMPERATIVE .
vocative(食べ, 太郎)
aux(食べ, なさい)
punct(食べ, 。)