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Note: nmod, neg, and punct appear in two places.

Core dependents of clausal predicates
Nominal dep Predicate dep
nsubj csubj
nsubjpass csubjpass
dobj ccomp xcomp
Non-core dependents of clausal predicates
Nominal dep Predicate dep Modifier word
nmod advcl advmod
Special clausal dependents
Nominal dep Auxiliary Other
vocative aux mark
discourse auxpass punct
expl cop
Noun dependents
Nominal dep Predicate dep Modifier word
nummod acl amod
appos   det
nmod   neg
Compounding and unanalyzed
compound mwe goeswith
name foreign
conj cc punct
Case-marking, prepositions, possessive
Loose joining relations
list parataxis remnant
dislocated reparandum
Sentence head Unspecified dependency
root dep

Dependencies kk

clausal modifier of noun

acl stands for finite and non-finite clauses that modify a noun, in contrast to the advcl relation which is used for adverbial clauses that modify a predicate. The head of the acl relation is the noun that is modified, and the dependent is the head of the clause that modifies the noun.

We use acl for:

Verbal adjectives that modify nouns:

Тез   жүгіретін   спортшылар   көрдім . \n Fast running athletes saw-I .
acl(спортшылар-3, жүгіретін-2)
advmod(жүгіретін-2, Тез-1)
obj(көрдім-4, спортшылар-3)
punct(көрдім-4, .-5)

This relation may be tagged with acl:relcl in the future, as it is the way in which Turkic languages do relative clauses.

Gerunds in genitive modifying a noun:

Некенің тоқтатылуы жаңадан некеге тұру құқығын туғызады . \n Marriage-of terminating new-from marriage-to ? right is-born .
acl(құқығын-6, тұру-5)

Fronted relative clauses with empty copula:

Шашы       ұзын     қызды     көрдім . \n Hair long girl saw-I .
acl(қызды-3, ұзын-2)
obj(көрдім-4, қызды-3)
subj(ұзын-2, Шашы-1)
punct(көрдім-4, .-5)

Conditional phrases with ‘болса’:

Құлдық пен құл саудасына , қандай түрде болса да , тыйым салынады . \n Slavery and slave trade , whichever form-in may-be also , prohibition is-placed-on .
acl(түрде-7, болса-8)
advmod(болса-8, да-9)

Secondary predication:

edit acl

adverbial clause modifier

Adverbial clause modifiers (advcl) are subordinate clauses that are not complements.

Note that unless there is a separate subject for the “subordinate” clause, the subject will be the same as for the main clause, but is not directly connected.

Айгүл санап біткеннен кейін айналасына қарады . \n Aygül counting finishing-from after around looks . 
advcl(қарады-6, санап-2)
aux(санап-2, біткеннен-3)
case(біткеннен-3, кейін-4)
subj(қарады-6, Айгүл-1)
obj(қарады-6, айналасына-5)


We also use advcl for the comparator in comparison constructions like “X is bigger than Y”, in Turkic, the “than Y” is in the ablative case and this depends on the adjective X.

edit advcl

adjectival modifier

Nouns may take adjectival modifiers, which are marked with the dependency type amod.

Азамат үлкен бір ағаш көрді . \n Azamat big one tree sees . 
amod(ағаш-4, үлкен-2)
subj(көрді-5, Азамат-1)
obj(көрді-5, ағаш-4)

Ordinal numerals:

The amod relation is also used for ordinal numerals. Note that these may not be explicitly marked in the morphology.

1968 жылдан бастап Ширазда театр фестивалы өткізіліп тұрды . \n 1968 year-from starting Shiraz-in theatre festival take-place does .
amod(жылдан-2, 1968-1)
nmod(бастап-3, жылдан-2)
Қызметін 1933 жылы ғана бастаған . \n His-service 1993rd year only he-began .
amod(жылы-3, 1993-2)

Locative attributives:

Substantives in the attributive form of the locative (-DAGI) are also marked with amod. (Pending clarification)

Олар әрдайым үлкен үйдің алдындағы бақшада бірге ойнайды . \n They always big house-of front-in garden-in together play .
amod(бақшада-6, алдындағы-5)
nmod(ойнайды-8, бақшада-6)
subj(ойнайды-8, Олар-1)
edit amod


In Kazakh, only a closed list of verbs can act as auxiliaries. These are words take part in participle constructions.

The full list of auxiliaries is as follows:

  • ал- “do, make”
  • баста- “start”
  • бер- “”
  • біт- “”
  • бітір- “”
  • бол- “be”
  • ет- “”
  • жазда- “”
  • жат- “”
  • жүр- “”
  • қал- “”
  • кел- “come”
  • кет- “”
  • көр- “see”
  • отыр- “”
  • сал- “”
  • тұр- “stand”
  • шық- “”

Note: Some of these are ambiguous with lexical verbs.


Ол терезеден Азамат пен Айгүлдің ойнағанына қарап тұр . \n She window-through Azamat and Aygül's playing watching stands .
nsubj(қарап-7, Ол-1)
nsubj(ойнағанына-6, Айгүлдің-5)
aux(қарап-7, тұр-8)
punct(қарап-7, .-9)
nmod(қарап-7, терезеден-2)
cc(Айгүлдің-5, пен-4)
conj(Азамат-3, пен-4)
ccomp(қарап-7, ойнағанына-6)
edit aux

case marking

The dependency type case is used for the postposition in postpositional phrases. The head of a postpositional phrase is the nominal, not the postposition, so as to analyse postpositional phrases similarly to nominal modifiers without a postposition. (Such nominal modifiers are frequent in Kazakh, as cases are often used for the same purpose as postpositions.) To the same end, the type case is used in combination with the type nmod, which is also used for nominal modifiers when no adposition is present (see nmod).

Азамат ағашқа қарай жүгірді . \n Azamat tree-to towards ran .
nsubj(жүгірді-4, Азамат-1)
case(ағашқа-2, қарай-3)
punct(жүгірді-4, .-5)
nmod(жүгірді-4, ағашқа-2)

Note that case is not used with auxiliary nouns (sometimes called “postpositions”) in the form of N¹.gen N².poss.case, for those nmod should be used (following treatment in English of prepositional constructions like “in front of”).

Айгүл бақшаның ішінде ақырын басып жүр . \n Aygül garden-of inside-in quietly walking is .
nsubj(басып-5, Айгүл-1)
nmod:poss(ішінде-3, бақшаның-2)
nmod(басып-5, ішінде-3)
advmod(басып-5, ақырын-4)
aux(басып-5, жүр-6)
punct(басып-5, .-7)
edit case

clausal complement

Clausal complement is an object like clausal dependent. The governor is most commonly, although not always, the main verb or predicative of the main clause, and the dependent is the main verb or predicative of the dependent clause. The clausal complement can also modify a word other than a verb, most often a noun or pronoun. Most commonly clausal complements are verbal nouns in accusative or dative.

Ол терезеден Азамат пен Айгүлдің ойнағанына қарап тұр . \n She window-through Azamat and Aygül's playing watching stands .
nsubj(қарап-7, Ол-1)
nsubj(ойнағанына-6, Айгүлдің-5)
aux(қарап-7, тұр-8)
punct(қарап-7, .-9)
nmod(қарап-7, терезеден-2)
cc(Айгүлдің-5, пен-4)
conj(Азамат-3, пен-4)
ccomp(қарап-7, ойнағанына-6)

Another example:

Сайттың маңызды екенін түсінбей жатыр . \n Site importance being not-understanding is .
ccomp(түсінбей-4, маңызды-2)
cop(маңызды-2, екенін-3)
nmod:poss(маңызды-2, Сайттың-1)
aux(түсінбей-4, жатыр-5)
punct(түсінбей-4, .-6)

Note that if the complement is completely controlled by the matrix verb, that is it does not permit another subject or object, then the relation should be xcomp.

We also use ccomp for the complement of reported speech clauses with де- (e.g. деп, деген, …)

« Төрге шық , тамақ іш » , - демепті . \n « Tör-to go-back , food drink » , - said-not-they .
ccomp(демепті-10, іш-6)
obj(іш-6, тамақ-5)
conj(іш-6, шық-3)
nmod(шық-3, Төрге-2)
punct(демепті-10, .-11)
edit ccomp


compound is one of the three UD relations UD for compounding, together with mwe and name.

Nouns should modify appropriate noun in the compound in order to respect the branching structure.

Most uses of attr will be tagged with compound.

Қазақстан көрші елдерге үлгі бола алады . \n Kazakhstan neighbour countries-to example be can . 
compound(елдерге-3, көрші-2)
nsubj(бола-5, Қазақстан-1)
aux(бола-5, алады-6)
punct(бола-5, .-7)

Nouns in the izafet construction (e.g. possessive on the final noun) should not get the compound relation, they should instead be labelled nmod:poss, e.g.

Дүниежүзілік экономикалық дағдарыс Иран экономикасын тұралатып тастады . \n Global economic depression Iran-of economy declining threw .
nmod:poss(экономикасын-5, Иран-4)
obj(тастады-7, экономикасын-5)

Numerical expressions consisting of multiple tokens are annotated using the compound dependency type. The last word of the numerical expression is the governor, and the number dependencies are chained.

Мұнай экспортынан жыл сайын 16,3 миллиард АҚШ доллары түседі . \n Oil exports-from year per 16,3 milliard USA dollar falls
nmod(доллары-8, АҚШ-7)
nummod(доллары-8, миллиард-6)
nsubj(түседі-9, доллары-8)
compound(миллиард-6, 16,3-5)
punct(түседі-9, .-10)
edit compound

coordinated element

A conjunct is the relation between two elements connected by a coordinating conjunction, such және, мен, немесе, etc. We treat conjunctions asymmetrically: The head of the relation is the last conjunct and all the other conjuncts depend on it via the conj relation.

Олар Финляндия , Швеция және Эстонияидан кейін Ресейге барды . \n They Finland , Sweden and Estonia-from after Russia-to went .
case(Эстонияидан-6, кейін-7)
conj(Эстонияидан-6, Швеция-4)
cc(Эстонияидан-6, және-5)
conj(Эстонияидан-6, Финляндия-2)
punct(Эстонияидан-6, ,-3)
nmod(барды-9, Эстонияидан-6)
subj(барды-9, Олар-1)
nmod(барды-9, Ресейге-8)

Warning: If two sentences are joined with a comma and there is no relation between them, the relation should be parataxis.


Note: Coordination directionality is under discussion.

edit conj


Warning: DRAFT

A copula verb is a linking verb that joins a subject with a predicate. Copular clauses receive a special treatment. The predicative acts as the head word of the clause, and the copular verb depends on it using a cop (copula) dependency. The cop relation is only applied when the verb is used to link a subject to its predicate (although the subject may be left out).

The full list of copula verbs is as follows:

  • бол- “be, become”
  • е- “be” (defective)

If the morphological analyser used outputs an е- copula in aorist third person then this is attached as a leaf node.

Бұл ойын <ø . \n It game is . 
cop(ойын-2, <ø-3)
nsubj(ойын-2, Бұл-1)
punct(ойын-2, .-4)

If the copula is not third person it has overt person marking:

Мен студент <пін . \n I student am .
cop(студент-2, <пін-3)
nsubj(студент-2, Мен-1)
punct(студент-2, .-4)

In the past it surfaces as еді-:

Бірақ кеше өте суық еді ! \n But yesterday very cold was-it !
advmod(суық-4, өте-3)
cop(суық-4, еді-5)

Use of “бол” without a predicate:

Эрте заманда Эрназар деген киши болуптур . \n Early time-in Ernazar called person was .

Use of “бол” without subject or predicate:

Шылым шегуге болмайды . \n Cigarette smoking is-allowed-not .

Warning: DRAFT

edit cop

direct object

The dependency type dobj is used for (nominal) direct objects of the verb.

Direct objects are typically in “nominative” (unmarked, indefinite accusative) or “accusative” (marked, definite accusative), but may be in other cases (e.g. dative).

Ол барлық жерді қарап жүр . \n She all place-in looking is .
dobj(қарап-4, жерді-3)
aux(қарап-4, жүр-5)

Another example:

Бұл көрсеткіш 75 пайызды құрайды . \n This indicator 75 percent makes-up-for . 
dobj(құрайды-5, пайызды-4)
nummod(пайызды-4, 75-4)

A dative direct object:

Айгүл терезеде тұрған анасына қарайды . \n Aygül window-in standing mother-her watches .
dobj(қарайды-5, анасына-4)
acl(анасына-4, тұрған-3)
nmod(тұрған-3, терезеде-2)
nsubj(қарайды-5, Айгүл-1)
punct(қарайды-5, .-6)
edit dobj

indirect object

The indirect object of a verb is any nominal phrase that is a core argument of the verb but is not its subject or direct object. The prototypical example is the recipient of ditransitive verbs of exchange:

19 ғасырдың 2 жартысынан Иран музыкасына еуропалық музыка мәдениеті әсер етті . \n 19 century's 2nd part-from Iran music-to European music culture impression made .
iobj(етті-11, музыкасына-6)
obj(етті-11, әсер-10)

Note: Discussion of what constitutes a core argument in Kazakh is ongoing. The iobj relation will probably be discarded in favour of subcategorising nmod.

edit iobj


Proper names constituted of more than one word are annotated using the dependency type name. The last (rightmost) word is the head, and the other words are direct dependents of the head. The last word is chosen to be the head because in Kazakh the last word carries the inflectional information of the whole structure.

The name dependency relation is used in cases where the multi-word name does not have an obvious internal syntactic structure, as is the case with for instance names of people (**).

If a name has an obvious internal structure, as is often the case in names of books and movies for instance, this structure is marked instead.

Соғыстан кейін Федор Федорович Қарағандыда тұрды . \n War-from after Fëdor Fëdorovič Qarağandı-in stood .
name(Федорович-4, Федор-3)
nsubj(тұрды-6, Федорович-4)


Contrary to the general UD definition of u-dep/name, in UD Kazakh the last word of the multi-word name expression is considered the head.

edit name

nominal modifier

Nominal modifiers are inflected nominals which modify most commonly a verb or a noun phrase. They can occur alone or together with an postposition in an postpositional phrase. Both cases are analysed similarly, as semantically nominal modifiers and postpositional phrases are similar.

nmod is by far the most used relation in UD Kazakh.

Postpositional phrases:

Азамат ағашқа қарай жүгірді . \n Azamat tree-to towards ran .
nsubj(жүгірді-4, Азамат-1)
case(ағашқа-2, қарай-3)
punct(жүгірді-4, .-5)
nmod(жүгірді-4, ағашқа-2)

Izafet construction:

Genitive nouns in the izafet construction get a special relation, nmod:poss, be they indefinite:

Дүниежүзілік экономикалық дағдарыс Иран экономикасын тұралатып тастады . \n Global economic depression Iran-of economy declining threw .
nmod:poss(экономикасын-5, Иран-4)
obj(тастады-7, экономикасын-5)

or definite:

edit nmod


The dependency type punct is used to mark punctuation. The dependent is the punctuation symbol, and the governor is the element which the punctuation symbol delimits. For instance, with coordination, the last coordinated element is the head of all punct dependencies in the coordination.

Coordination and parataxis:

The punctuation attaches to the governor.

Олар Финляндия , Швеция және Эстонияидан кейін Ресейге барды . \n They Finland , Sweden and Estonia-from after Russia-to went .
case(Эстонияидан-6, кейін-7)
conj(Эстонияидан-6, Швеция-4)
cc(Эстонияидан-6, және-5)
conj(Эстонияидан-6, Финляндия-2)
punct(Эстонияидан-6, ,-3)
nmod(барды-9, Эстонияидан-6)
subj(барды-9, Олар-1)
nmod(барды-9, Ресейге-8)

Adverbial clauses:

The punctuation attaches to the head of the adverbial phrase.

edit punct