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Coding metadata for the front page

The table on the front page is automatically generated from special lines in the README.txt or README.md file for every language. This means that in order to add a new language, also its repository must be created, minimally with the readme file. Here is an example of the language metadata block from the Finnish README file

Documentation status: complete
Data source: semi-automatic
Data available since: UD v1.0
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Genre: blog wiki legal news fiction
Contributors: Ginter, Filip; Kanerva, Jenna; Laippala, Veronika; Missilä, Anna; Pyysalo, Sampo

This block can be anywhere in the readme file. The properties are as follows:

Adding a new language into the documentation

Adding a new language to the documentation is a more complex process than it might seem. Right now, please contact ginter@cs.utu.fi and sampo.pyysalo@gmail.com who will get you going.