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Note: nmod, neg, and punct appear in two places.

Core dependents of clausal predicates
Nominal dep Predicate dep
nsubj csubj
nsubjpass csubjpass
dobj ccomp xcomp
Non-core dependents of clausal predicates
Nominal dep Predicate dep Modifier word
nmod advcl advmod
Special clausal dependents
Nominal dep Auxiliary Other
vocative aux mark
discourse auxpass punct
expl cop
Noun dependents
Nominal dep Predicate dep Modifier word
nummod acl amod
appos   det
nmod   neg
Compounding and unanalyzed
compound mwe goeswith
name foreign
conj cc punct
Case-marking, prepositions, possessive
Loose joining relations
list parataxis remnant
dislocated reparandum
Sentence head Unspecified dependency
root dep

Dependencies ro

clausal modifier of noun

acl stands for finite and non-finite clauses that modify a nominal.

Mă impresionează un copil plângând . \n Me impresses a child crying. (A crying child impresses me.)
acl(copil, plângând)
Am închis fereastra deschisă de Ion . \n Have-I closed window-the opened by John. (I closed the window opened by John.)
acl(fereastra, deschisă)
L-a ajutat un prieten care locuiește la Paris . \n Him-has helped a friend who lives at Paris. (A friend who lives in Paris helped him.)
acl(prieten, locuiește)
Dorința să trăiască l-a ajutat să învingă boala . \n Desire-the SĂ live him-has helped SĂ defeat disease-the. (The desire to live helped him to defeat the desease.)
acl(Dorința, trăiască)
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adverbial clause modifier

An adverbial clause modifier is a clause which modifies a verb or other predicate (adjective, etc.), as a modifier not as a core complement. This includes things such as a temporal clause, consequence, conditional clause, purpose clause, etc. The dependent must be clausal (or else it is an advmod) and the dependent is the main predicate of the clause.

Sunt bucuros pentru că am luat examenul . \n Am glad because have-I passed exam-the. (I am glad because I passed the exam.)
advcl(bucuros, luat)
Ajungând la birou, a observat că îi lipsește cheia . \n Arriving at office, has noticed that to-him lacks key-the . (When arriving at the office, he noticed that didn't have the key.)
advcl(observat, Ajungând)
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appositional modifier

An appositional modifier serves to identify its head in a different way. This relation is usually established between noun phrases.

Am plecat cu Alexandru , vărul meu . \n Have-I left with Alexandru , cousin-the my . 
appos(Alexandru, vărul)

However, other parts of speech and even clauses can also be involved in the relation:

Gustul fructului era ciudat , adică dulce-amărui . \n  . Taste-the fruit-the-of was strange , that_is sweet-bitter .
appos(ciudat, dulce-amărui)
Ne-am întâlnit aici , unde am stabilit . \n Us-have met here , where have-we established .
appos(aici, stabilit)

The apposition can be introduced by an adverb (e.g. ‘adică’, ‘anume’, ‘respectiv’, ‘alias’, etc.), which is analysed as a ‘mark’ for the apposotion:

A reușind muncind , adică asudând . \n Has succeeded working , that_is sweating .
appos(muncind, asudând)
mark(asudând, adică)

It includes parenthesized examples, as well as defining abbreviations in one of these structures.

Venerabilul ( adică eu ) merge diseară la întrunire . \n Honorable-the ( that_is I ) goes tonight at meeting. 
appos(Venerabilul, eu)
Banca Comercială Română ( BCR ) \n Bank-the Commercial Romanian ( BCR )  
appos(Banca, BCR)

‘appos’ is also used to link key-value pairs in addresses, signatures, etc.:

Ana Ionescu , Str Rozelor , tel : 0245.756.547 , email : ana@yahoo.com
name(Ana, Ionescu)
list(Ana, Str)
appos(Str, Rozelor)
list(Ana, tel)
appos(tel, 0245.756.547)
list(Ana, email)
appos(email, ana@yahoo.com)
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A copula is the relation between the complement of a copular verb and the copular verb a fi (only). (We normally take a copula as a dependent of its complement.)

Maria este fericită . \n Maria is happy .
cop(fericită, este)

All other copula verbs are heads of clauses and their complements are in xcomp relation to them:

Maria a devenit designer . \n Mary has become designer .
xcomp(devenit, designer)

When the copula verb has auxiliaries, they are also dependents of the lexical predicate:

Maria va fi campioană . \n Mary will be champion .
cop(campioană, fi)
aux(campioană, va)

When the complement of the copula verb a fi is a clause, the copula is the head, and the subordinate clause is in ccomp relation with it:

ROOT Noi suntem cum ne știi . \n We are how us know-you .
root(ROOT, suntem)
ccomp(suntem, știi)
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indirect object

The indirect object of a verb is any nominal phrase that is a core argument of the verb, usually expressing the recipient, the addressee or beneficiary of the predicate:

Îi dau Marei un trandafir . \n Her give-I Mara-Dat a rose .
iobj(dau, Marei)
Acesta este un concurs deschis elevilor din clasele a patra. \n This is a contest opened pupils-to-the from grades the fourth .
iobj(deschis, elevilor)
Conjunctura nu -mi este favorabilă . \n Conjuncture-the not -me-to is favourable .
iobj(favorabilă, -mi)

We also analyse as iobj the [+Animate] object (the direct object in traditional grammar terms) of verbs with two Accusative objects, whereas the other object (the secondary object in traditional grammar terms) is dobj:

Bunica i-a învățat pe copii o poezie . \n Grandmother-the them-has taught PE children a poem .
dobj(învățat, poezie)
iobj(învățat, copii)
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