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Gender[psor]: possessor’s gender

Possessive pronouns and determiners may have two different genders: that of the possessed object (in agreement with the modifying noun, inflectional feature) and that of the possessor (inherent, lexical feature). The Gender[psor] feature denotes the possessor’s gender.

Masc: masculine possessor


Fem: feminine possessor


Neut: neuter possessor

As possessor can also be a neuter noun, we also distinguish the neuter possessor gender. However, its word forms are identical to that of masculine possessor gender and can only be disambiguated within context.


Conversion from JOS

All pronouns with feature Owner_gender=masculine are converted to Gender[psor]=Masc, all pronouns with Owner_gender=feminine are converted to Gender[psor]=Fem and all pronouns with Owner_gender=neuter are converted to Gender[psor]=Neut.

Note that JOS annotation scheme does not assign possessor’s gender to possessive adjectives. For example, the possessive adjectival word form sinova (son’s) in sinova mama “son’s mother” is currently annotated with Gender=Fem, whereas it should be annotated with Gender[psor]=Masc|Gender=Fem in the future.