: adjective
Adjectives are words that typically modify nouns and specify their properties or attributes. Adjectives in Slovenian normally agree in gender, case and number with the noun they modify (both in attributive and predicative position), e.g. velik škandal “a big scandal” (masculine nominative singular), v velikih podjetjih “in big companies” (neuter locative plural) and Ponudba je velika. “The offer is big.” (feminine nominative singular).
In accordance with the universal description of ADJ
, some words that have traditionally been categorized as numerals in Slovenian are also treated as adjectives, as they display similar morphological and syntactic properties. These include ordinal written numerals (e.g. prvi “the first”, drugi “the second”, tretji, “the third”) and tuples (e.g. enojen “single”, dvojen “double”, trojen “triple”).
In the same way, all adjectival participles are classified as adjectives, regardless of whether they are used as attributes (e.g. prepovedane substance “forbidden substances”), in copula constructions (e.g. kajenje je prepovedano “smoking is forbidden”) or in passive constructions (e.g. to ji je bilo prepovedano “it was forbidden to her”).
- star “old”, zelen “green”, nerazumljiv “incomprehensible”
- človekov “human’s”, Nobelov “Nobel’s”, kalcijev “calcium’s”
- znan “known”, zaposlen “employed”, povezan “connected”
- prvi “first”, drugi “second”, tretji “third”
- enojen “single”, dvojen “double”, trojen “triple”
Conversion from JOS
All adjectives are converted to ADJ
. In addition to that, some numerals also become ADJ
, namely: numerals with Form=letter and Type=ordinal; numeral with Form=letter, Type=ordinal and lemma drug; numerals with Form=letter, Type=special and lemma ending in -en.
Treebank Statistics (UD_Slovenian)
There are 3875 ADJ
lemmas (23%), 8167 ADJ
types (25%) and 15027 ADJ
tokens (11%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of ADJ
is: 2 in number of lemmas, 2 in number of types and 4 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent ADJ
lemmas: drug, velik, nov, prvi, slovenski, dober, sam, evropski, star, zadnji
The 10 most frequent ADJ
types: drugi, mogoče, prvi, druge, sam, novo, drugih, nove, različnih, slovenski
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: mlad (ADJ 72, NOUN 1), pravi (ADJ 66, NOUN 2), dolg (ADJ 60, NOUN 7), svet (NOUN 131, ADJ 16), moški (NOUN 26, ADJ 14), poceni (ADJ 14, ADV 1), gost (NOUN 18, ADJ 12), razen (ADJ 11, ADP 8, CONJ 1), gol (ADJ 7, NOUN 2), lev (NOUN 8, ADJ 6)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: mogoče (ADJ 67, ADV 6), sam (ADJ 50, PART 7), veliko (ADV 45, DET 43, ADJ 36), pravi (VERB 33, ADJ 24), jasno (ADJ 21, ADV 8), dobro (ADV 48, ADJ 22, NOUN 2), težko (ADJ 21, ADV 19), prihodnje (ADJ 17, ADV 1), lepo (ADJ 15, ADV 13), delovno (ADJ 8, ADV 1)
- mogoče
- sam
- veliko
- pravi
- jasno
- dobro
- težko
- prihodnje
- lepo
- delovno
The form / lemma ratio of ADJ
is 2.107613 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.894262).
The 1st highest number of forms (29) was observed with the lemma “velik”: največja, največje, največjega, največjem, največji, največjih, največjim, največjima, največjo, tavelzga, velik, velika, velike, velikega, velikem, velikemu, veliki, velikih, velikim, velikimi, veliko, večja, večje, večjega, večjem, večji, večjih, večjimi, večjo.
The 2nd highest number of forms (24) was observed with the lemma “majhen”: majhen, majhna, majhne, majhnega, majhnemu, majhni, majhnih, majhnim, majhnimi, majhno, manjša, manjše, manjšem, manjšemu, manjši, manjših, manjšim, manjšimi, manjšo, mejhen, najmanjša, najmanjše, najmanjši, najmanjših.
The 3rd highest number of forms (23) was observed with the lemma “dober”: boljša, boljše, boljšega, boljši, boljših, dober, dobra, dobre, dobrega, dobrem, dobri, dobrih, dobrim, dobrimi, dobro, najboljša, najboljše, najboljšega, najboljšem, najboljši, najboljših, najboljšim, najboljšo.
occurs with 8 features: sl-feat/Case (15027; 100% instances), sl-feat/Gender (15027; 100% instances), sl-feat/Number (15027; 100% instances), sl-feat/Degree (14346; 95% instances), sl-feat/Definite (2068; 14% instances), sl-feat/VerbForm (1929; 13% instances), sl-feat/Poss (384; 3% instances), sl-feat/NumType (314; 2% instances)
occurs with 21 feature-value pairs: Case=Acc
, Case=Dat
, Case=Gen
, Case=Ins
, Case=Loc
, Case=Nom
, Definite=Def
, Definite=Ind
, Degree=Cmp
, Degree=Pos
, Degree=Sup
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Masc
, Gender=Neut
, NumType=Gen
, NumType=Ord
, Number=Dual
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
, Poss=Yes
, VerbForm=Part
occurs with 262 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Case=Nom|Degree=Pos|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing
(1030 tokens).
Examples: sama, velika, slovenska, nova, edina, stara, lepa, prava, dobra, primerna
nodes are attached to their parents using 14 different relations: sl-dep/amod (11760; 78% instances), sl-dep/root (1045; 7% instances), sl-dep/conj (814; 5% instances), sl-dep/nmod (279; 2% instances), sl-dep/acl (260; 2% instances), sl-dep/advcl (170; 1% instances), sl-dep/ccomp (166; 1% instances), sl-dep/parataxis (145; 1% instances), sl-dep/xcomp (136; 1% instances), sl-dep/nsubj (132; 1% instances), sl-dep/dobj (49; 0% instances), sl-dep/csubj (41; 0% instances), sl-dep/mwe (18; 0% instances), sl-dep/iobj (12; 0% instances)
Parents of ADJ
nodes belong to 11 different parts of speech: NOUN (11699; 78% instances), VERB (1063; 7% instances), ROOT (1045; 7% instances), ADJ (820; 5% instances), PROPN (261; 2% instances), PRON (94; 1% instances), ADV (21; 0% instances), NUM (12; 0% instances), X (9; 0% instances), DET (2; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances)
11526 (77%) ADJ
nodes are leaves.
901 (6%) ADJ
nodes have one child.
594 (4%) ADJ
nodes have two children.
2006 (13%) ADJ
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a ADJ
node is 12.
Children of ADJ
nodes are attached using 24 different relations: sl-dep/punct (2356; 19% instances), sl-dep/cop (1906; 15% instances), sl-dep/advmod (1828; 15% instances), sl-dep/nmod (1323; 11% instances), sl-dep/nsubj (1080; 9% instances), sl-dep/conj (844; 7% instances), sl-dep/cc (675; 5% instances), sl-dep/mark (569; 5% instances), sl-dep/aux (532; 4% instances), sl-dep/case (256; 2% instances), sl-dep/parataxis (226; 2% instances), sl-dep/csubj (222; 2% instances), sl-dep/advcl (170; 1% instances), sl-dep/dobj (170; 1% instances), sl-dep/ccomp (72; 1% instances), sl-dep/nummod (59; 0% instances), sl-dep/neg (30; 0% instances), sl-dep/amod (25; 0% instances), sl-dep/acl (14; 0% instances), sl-dep/cc:preconj (14; 0% instances), sl-dep/discourse (11; 0% instances), sl-dep/xcomp (8; 0% instances), sl-dep/expl (4; 0% instances), sl-dep/appos (1; 0% instances)
Children of ADJ
nodes belong to 15 different parts of speech: VERB (2641; 21% instances), PUNCT (2356; 19% instances), NOUN (2056; 17% instances), ADV (1291; 10% instances), ADJ (820; 7% instances), CONJ (806; 7% instances), SCONJ (568; 5% instances), AUX (532; 4% instances), PART (473; 4% instances), PRON (376; 3% instances), ADP (237; 2% instances), PROPN (164; 1% instances), NUM (68; 1% instances), X (4; 0% instances), INTJ (3; 0% instances)
Treebank Statistics (UD_Slovenian-SST)
There are 701 ADJ
lemmas (17%), 1097 ADJ
types (17%) and 1665 ADJ
tokens (6%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of ADJ
is: 3 in number of lemmas, 3 in number of types and 8 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent ADJ
lemmas: drug, dober, prvi, sam, velik, lep, glaven, nov, star, mali
The 10 most frequent ADJ
types: dobro, drugo, prvi, drugi, dober, zanimivo, druga, drugega, glavnem, lep
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: moški (ADJ 5, NOUN 5), peti (ADJ 5, VERB 3), dolg (ADJ 3, NOUN 3), fajn (ADV 10, ADJ 3), super (ADV 13, ADJ 3), frej (ADV 2, ADJ 2), pet (NUM 17, ADJ 2), dan (NOUN 44, ADJ 1), gol (NOUN 2, ADJ 1), kamen (NOUN 3, ADJ 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: dobro (ADV 46, ADJ 18), drugo (ADJ 17, NOUN 1), zanimivo (ADJ 10, ADV 3), druga (ADJ 9, NOUN 1), celo (PART 7, ADJ 6), mogoče (ADV 18, ADJ 6), prvo (ADJ 6, ADV 4), pravi (VERB 30, ADJ 5), jasno (ADV 4, ADJ 4), podobno (ADJ 4, ADV 2)
- dobro
- drugo
- zanimivo
- druga
- celo
- mogoče
- prvo
- pravi
- jasno
- podobno
The form / lemma ratio of ADJ
is 1.564907 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.575031).
The 1st highest number of forms (13) was observed with the lemma “dober”: boljša, boljše, boljšem, boljši, boljšo, dober, dobra, dobri, dobrih, dobrimi, dobro, najboljša, najboljše.
The 2nd highest number of forms (12) was observed with the lemma “velik”: največja, največje, največji, velik, velika, velike, velikega, velikih, veliko, večja, večje, večji.
The 3rd highest number of forms (11) was observed with the lemma “drug”: drug, druga, druge, drugega, drugem, drugemu, drugi, drugih, drugim, drugimi, drugo.
occurs with 9 features: sl-feat/Case (1665; 100% instances), sl-feat/Gender (1665; 100% instances), sl-feat/Number (1665; 100% instances), sl-feat/Degree (1506; 90% instances), sl-feat/Definite (313; 19% instances), sl-feat/VerbForm (186; 11% instances), sl-feat/NumType (87; 5% instances), sl-feat/Poss (28; 2% instances), sl-feat/PronType (28; 2% instances)
occurs with 22 feature-value pairs: Case=Acc
, Case=Dat
, Case=Gen
, Case=Ins
, Case=Loc
, Case=Nom
, Definite=Def
, Definite=Ind
, Degree=Cmp
, Degree=Pos
, Degree=Sup
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Masc
, Gender=Neut
, NumType=Gen
, NumType=Ord
, Number=Dual
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
, Poss=Yes
, PronType=Prs
, VerbForm=Part
occurs with 150 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Case=Nom|Degree=Pos|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing
(182 tokens).
Examples: lepa, rdeča, glavna, sama, dobra, edina, stara, logična, nova, osebna
nodes are attached to their parents using 21 different relations: sl-dep/amod (992; 60% instances), sl-dep/root (206; 12% instances), sl-dep/conj (87; 5% instances), sl-dep/parataxis (78; 5% instances), sl-dep/nmod (76; 5% instances), sl-dep/xcomp (41; 2% instances), sl-dep/acl (33; 2% instances), sl-dep/dobj (30; 2% instances), sl-dep/nsubj (30; 2% instances), sl-dep/ccomp (25; 2% instances), sl-dep/advcl (21; 1% instances), sl-dep/reparandum (10; 1% instances), sl-dep/advmod (9; 1% instances), sl-dep/mwe (6; 0% instances), sl-dep/parataxis:restart (6; 0% instances), sl-dep/appos (5; 0% instances), sl-dep/vocative (5; 0% instances), sl-dep/csubj (2; 0% instances), sl-dep/cc (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/dislocated (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/parataxis:discourse (1; 0% instances)
Parents of ADJ
nodes belong to 12 different parts of speech: NOUN (1019; 61% instances), VERB (259; 16% instances), ROOT (206; 12% instances), ADJ (84; 5% instances), PRON (43; 3% instances), PROPN (24; 1% instances), ADV (16; 1% instances), NUM (9; 1% instances), X (2; 0% instances), DET (1; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances), PART (1; 0% instances)
1071 (64%) ADJ
nodes are leaves.
178 (11%) ADJ
nodes have one child.
103 (6%) ADJ
nodes have two children.
313 (19%) ADJ
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a ADJ
node is 15.
Children of ADJ
nodes are attached using 33 different relations: sl-dep/advmod (386; 20% instances), sl-dep/cop (314; 16% instances), sl-dep/nsubj (160; 8% instances), sl-dep/nmod (118; 6% instances), sl-dep/cc (102; 5% instances), sl-dep/punct (93; 5% instances), sl-dep/discourse (89; 5% instances), sl-dep/conj (88; 5% instances), sl-dep/mark (74; 4% instances), sl-dep/parataxis (69; 4% instances), sl-dep/aux (68; 3% instances), sl-dep/reparandum (64; 3% instances), sl-dep/case (62; 3% instances), sl-dep/discourse:filler (60; 3% instances), sl-dep/advcl (39; 2% instances), sl-dep/det (30; 2% instances), sl-dep/csubj (23; 1% instances), sl-dep/parataxis:discourse (21; 1% instances), sl-dep/dobj (19; 1% instances), sl-dep/ccomp (10; 1% instances), sl-dep/conj:extend (8; 0% instances), sl-dep/nummod (8; 0% instances), sl-dep/acl (7; 0% instances), sl-dep/dislocated (7; 0% instances), sl-dep/expl (6; 0% instances), sl-dep/neg (6; 0% instances), sl-dep/vocative (6; 0% instances), sl-dep/appos (3; 0% instances), sl-dep/xcomp (3; 0% instances), sl-dep/amod (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/goeswith (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/iobj (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/parataxis:restart (1; 0% instances)
Children of ADJ
nodes belong to 16 different parts of speech: VERB (478; 25% instances), ADV (281; 14% instances), NOUN (197; 10% instances), PART (167; 9% instances), CONJ (134; 7% instances), PRON (124; 6% instances), X (104; 5% instances), ADJ (84; 4% instances), SCONJ (81; 4% instances), AUX (72; 4% instances), INTJ (69; 4% instances), ADP (67; 3% instances), DET (30; 2% instances), PUNCT (24; 1% instances), PROPN (23; 1% instances), NUM (12; 1% instances)
ADJ in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]