: question particle
This is a subtype of aux, used for question particle -mI (mı/mi/mu/mü).
The question particle, when attached to a predicate, typically carries some of the tense/aspect/modality suffixes as well as person/number agreement suffixes.
Although it does not function as an auxiliary when attached to non-predicate words or phrases,
we use aux:q
for all uses of the question particle.
Annotation of question particles are not well-specified in UD, and currently under discussion.
Okuyacak mısınız ? \n Are you going to read ?
aux:q(Okuyacak, mısınız)
Kitabı Ali'den aldın mı ? \n _Did_ you take the book from Ali ?
aux:q(aldın, mı)
Kitabı Ali'den mi aldın ? \n Did you take the book _from Ali_ ?
aux:q(Ali'den, mi)
Kitabı mı Ali'den aldın ? \n Did you take _the book_ from Ali ?
aux:q(Kitabı, mı)