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nmod:pass: nominal modifier indicating the actor of a passive predicate

This subtype of nmod is used for marking the performer of action (the subject in the corresponding active sentence) in a passive predicate.

Kitap öğrenciler tarafından okundu . \n The book was read by the students
nmod:pass(okundu, öğrenciler)
case(öğrenciler, tarafından)
nsubjpass(okundu, Kitap)
Kitap öğrenciler –ce okundu . \n The book was read by the students
nmod:pass(okundu, öğrenciler)
case(öğrenciler, –ce)
nsubjpass(okundu, Kitap)
Araba aşırı sıcaktan bozulmuş . \n The car was broken by extreme heat
nmod:pass(bozulmuş, sıcaktan)