
Large-scale parsebank search tool

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The dep_search API exposes a local dep_search via a simple HTTP-based API. It allows you to query treebanks using HTTP requests and is used to automate dep_search runs and as a back-end for the web application. You can try it live - the following command queries UD English with the query _ <nsubj _ and returns 10 trees:

curl -L ''

There are three steps to get going:

  1. Index at least one treebank
  2. Tell the API where to find the index on the local drive
  3. Start the service so that it can be queried

Indexing a treebank

All you need is to cat a treebank in the CoNLL-U format to the build_index command like so:

cat example_en.conllu | python --wipe -d example_en_db

which will create a directory example_en_db with the treebank index. You can re-index your treebank with the above command at any point, and you do not need to re-start the API for the changes to take effect.

Tell the dep_search API where to find your treebanks

This involves two files: corpora.yaml tells about every indexed treebank and corpus_groups.yaml tells how the treebanks group together, to build the hierarchical treebank selection menu on the main page. These files are under the webapi directory of dep_search. Below you can find simple examples, but we keep the full files in GitHub - go have a look here and here for some advanced functionality.


This file lists the indexed corpora the API should know about. A simple entry looks like this:

  paths: /path/to/example_en_db
  name: "Small English demo corpus"

Here english_demo is a handle which is used in the API requests, paths is where the index is located locally, and name is shown in the corpus selection drop-down in the web application. You do not need to re-start the API when you add new corpora.


This file groups the corpora into logical groups. Currently it is used to group the corpora for the corpus selection drop-down in the web application. You do not need to re-start the API when you add new corpus groups.

  name: "My dev treebanks"
  corpora: english_demo

Where My dev treebanks is a group of corpora, and corpora is a space-separated list of corpora from corpora.yaml.

Running the API

In terminal


By default, this will serve the API at all interfaces, port 45678. You can change these settings in You can test it by pointing your browser to in the default setup and then to

Under nginx

Running under the nginx web server happens in two parts:

  1. Launch the dep_search webapi through uwsgi and tell it to talk over a unix socket.
  2. Tell the nginx web server where this socket is so it can direct the traffic there.

uWSGI socket

The below command to start the application via uWSGI is in the script for your convenience. The processes parameter controls how many concurrent requests you are able to serve, and the harakiri places a timeout on serving a single request.

  --plugin python
  --module serve_webapi
  --callable app
  --socket /path/to/dep_search/webapi/dep_search_webapi.sock
  --pythonpath /path/to/dep_search/webapi
  --processes 5
  --harakiri 5000

But it might be a better idea to use the supervisord daemon to manage this process if you are deploying this for real. Supervisord will launch the job, restart it for you, etc. You can place a dep_search_webapi.conf in /etc/supervisor.d/conf.d looking like this, start the process using supervisorctl and you will be all set.

  --plugin python
  --module serve_webapi
  --callable app
  --socket /path/to/dep_search/webapi/dep_search_webapi.sock
  --pythonpath /path/to/dep_search/webapi
  --processes 5
  --harakiri 5000

Once the uwsgi process is running and the dep_search_webapi.sock exists, you can configure nginx to pass traffic to it.

nginx config

This is all that should be needed as far as nginx goes:

location /dep_search_webapi/ {
         rewrite /dep_search_webapi(.*) $1 break;
         include uwsgi_params;
         uwsgi_pass unix:/path/to/dep_search/webapi/dep_search_webapi.sock;
         uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /dep_search_webapi;