: numeral form
Feature of cardinal and ordinal numbers. Is the number expressed by digits or as a word?
Word: number expressed as word
- jeden “one”, dva “two”, tři “three”
Digit: number expressed using digits
- 1, 2, 3
Roman: roman numeral
- I, II, III
Treebank Statistics (UD_Czech)
This feature is language-specific.
It occurs with 3 different values: Digit
, Roman
, Word
41168 tokens (3%) have a non-empty value of NumForm
3588 types (3%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumForm
3427 lemmas (6%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumForm
The feature is used with 1 part-of-speech tags: cs-pos/NUM (41168; 3% instances).
41168 cs-pos/NUM tokens (99% of all NUM
tokens) have a non-empty value of NumForm
The most frequent other feature values with which NUM
and NumForm
co-occurred: NumType=Card (41168; 100%), Gender=EMPTY (36751; 89%), NumValue=EMPTY (33118; 80%), Case=EMPTY (29887; 73%), Number=EMPTY (29861; 73%).
tokens may have the following values of NumForm
(29484; 72% of non-emptyNumForm
): 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 1992, 10, 1994, 1993Roman
(376; 1% of non-emptyNumForm
): II, I, III, IV, V, VI, XX, D, C, IXWord
(11308; 27% of non-emptyNumForm
): dva, tři, jeden, dvě, tisíc, dvou, pět, čtyři, obou, jednoho
seems to be lexical feature of NUM
. 100% lemmas (3427) occur only with one value of NumForm
Relations with Agreement in NumForm
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in NumForm
NUM –[conj]–> NUM (3365; 100%),
NUM –[compound]–> NUM (2671; 95%),
NUM –[dep]–> NUM (50; 96%).
Treebank Statistics (UD_Czech-CAC)
This feature is language-specific.
It occurs with 2 different values: Digit
, Word
7247 tokens (1%) have a non-empty value of NumForm
124 types (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumForm
50 lemmas (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumForm
The feature is used with 1 part-of-speech tags: cs-pos/NUM (7247; 1% instances).
7247 cs-pos/NUM tokens (99% of all NUM
tokens) have a non-empty value of NumForm
The most frequent other feature values with which NUM
and NumForm
co-occurred: NumType=Card (7247; 100%), Gender=EMPTY (6108; 84%), NumValue=EMPTY (5285; 73%), Case=EMPTY (4836; 67%), Number=EMPTY (4836; 67%).
tokens may have the following values of NumForm
(4836; 67% of non-emptyNumForm
): #Word
(2411; 33% of non-emptyNumForm
): dvou, jeden, dvě, tři, dva, obou, jedné, jednoho, jedním, dvěma
seems to be lexical feature of NUM
. 100% lemmas (50) occur only with one value of NumForm
Relations with Agreement in NumForm
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in NumForm
NUM –[conj]–> NUM (315; 100%),
NUM –[compound]–> NUM (31; 74%).
Treebank Statistics (UD_Czech-CLTT)
This feature is language-specific.
It occurs with 2 different values: Roman
, Word
440 tokens (1%) have a non-empty value of NumForm
97 types (2%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumForm
83 lemmas (3%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumForm
The feature is used with 1 part-of-speech tags: cs-pos/NUM (440; 1% instances).
440 cs-pos/NUM tokens (100% of all NUM
tokens) have a non-empty value of NumForm
The most frequent other feature values with which NUM
and NumForm
co-occurred: NumType=Card (440; 100%), Gender=EMPTY (394; 90%), NumValue=EMPTY (382; 87%), Case=EMPTY (371; 84%), Number=EMPTY (371; 84%).
tokens may have the following values of NumForm
(371; 84% of non-emptyNumForm
): 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 41, 7, 10, 2004, 2008Word
(69; 16% of non-emptyNumForm
): jeden, jedné, tří, dvanáct, dvě, dvanácti, jedno, jednoho, jednou, obě
seems to be lexical feature of NUM
. 100% lemmas (83) occur only with one value of NumForm
Relations with Agreement in NumForm
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in NumForm
NUM –[conj]–> NUM (39; 100%),
NUM –[compound]–> NUM (1; 100%).