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PROPN: proper noun


A proper noun is a noun (or nominal content word) that is the name (or part of the name) of a specific individual, place, or object.

In Swedish proper nouns differ from common nouns in inflecting only for case, not for definiteness or number.


Treebank Statistics (UD_Swedish)

There are 529 PROPN lemmas (5%), 571 PROPN types (4%) and 1361 PROPN tokens (1%). Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of PROPN is: 5 in number of lemmas, 5 in number of types and 13 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent PROPN lemmas: Sverige, EEC, Stockholm, Gud, USA, ATP, Göteborg, Horn, Danmark, Indien

The 10 most frequent PROPN types: Sverige, EEC, Stockholm, USA, ATP, Sveriges, EEC:s, Gud, Göteborg, Horn

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: Björn (PROPN 6, NOUN 1), DDT (PROPN 2, NOUN 1), de (PRON 508, DET 90, PROPN 2), s (NOUN 2, PROPN 1), vi (PRON 413, DET 139, PROPN 2, NOUN 1), väckarklocka (NOUN 2, PROPN 2), Children (NOUN 1, PROPN 1), SKB (NOUN 1, PROPN 1), backa (VERB 1, PROPN 1), forum (NOUN 1, PROPN 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: Björn (PROPN 6, NOUN 1), DDT (PROPN 2, NOUN 1), Vi (PRON 80, PROPN 2), de (DET 512, PRON 292, PROPN 2), s (NOUN 2, PROPN 1), Children (NOUN 1, PROPN 1), Handelsbanken (NOUN 1, PROPN 1), I (ADP 266, PROPN 1, NOUN 1, ADJ 1, NUM 1), SKB (NOUN 1, PROPN 1), Ännu (ADV 5, PROPN 1)


The form / lemma ratio of PROPN is 1.079395 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.421062).

The 1st highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “FN”: FN, FN:s, FNs.

The 2nd highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “Göteborg”: Göteborg, Göteborgs, Göteborgs-.

The 3rd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “Afrika”: Afrika, Afrikas.

PROPN occurs with 1 features: sv-feat/Case (1337; 98% instances)

PROPN occurs with 2 feature-value pairs: Case=Gen, Case=Nom

PROPN occurs with 3 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is Case=Nom (1184 tokens). Examples: Sverige, EEC, Stockholm, USA, ATP, Gud, Göteborg, Horn, Danmark, Indien


PROPN nodes are attached to their parents using 21 different relations: sv-dep/nmod (400; 29% instances), sv-dep/conj (270; 20% instances), sv-dep/nsubj (235; 17% instances), sv-dep/name (156; 11% instances), sv-dep/nmod:poss (134; 10% instances), sv-dep/appos (43; 3% instances), sv-dep/dobj (34; 2% instances), sv-dep/root (31; 2% instances), sv-dep/nmod:agent (18; 1% instances), sv-dep/advcl (7; 1% instances), sv-dep/nsubjpass (7; 1% instances), sv-dep/acl (6; 0% instances), sv-dep/parataxis (6; 0% instances), sv-dep/dislocated (4; 0% instances), sv-dep/compound (2; 0% instances), sv-dep/iobj (2; 0% instances), sv-dep/xcomp (2; 0% instances), sv-dep/acl:relcl (1; 0% instances), sv-dep/amod (1; 0% instances), sv-dep/case (1; 0% instances), sv-dep/csubjpass (1; 0% instances)

Parents of PROPN nodes belong to 10 different parts of speech: VERB (436; 32% instances), PROPN (427; 31% instances), NOUN (399; 29% instances), ADJ (49; 4% instances), ROOT (31; 2% instances), ADV (10; 1% instances), ADP (3; 0% instances), PRON (3; 0% instances), NUM (2; 0% instances), PUNCT (1; 0% instances)

618 (45%) PROPN nodes are leaves.

403 (30%) PROPN nodes have one child.

129 (9%) PROPN nodes have two children.

211 (16%) PROPN nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a PROPN node is 62.

Children of PROPN nodes are attached using 22 different relations: sv-dep/case (401; 25% instances), sv-dep/conj (264; 16% instances), sv-dep/punct (256; 16% instances), sv-dep/nmod (232; 14% instances), sv-dep/name (157; 10% instances), sv-dep/cc (125; 8% instances), sv-dep/advmod (39; 2% instances), sv-dep/amod (26; 2% instances), sv-dep/nummod (24; 1% instances), sv-dep/acl:relcl (23; 1% instances), sv-dep/appos (22; 1% instances), sv-dep/det (19; 1% instances), sv-dep/mark (18; 1% instances), sv-dep/dobj (6; 0% instances), sv-dep/parataxis (6; 0% instances), sv-dep/acl (3; 0% instances), sv-dep/cop (3; 0% instances), sv-dep/nsubj (3; 0% instances), sv-dep/xcomp (3; 0% instances), sv-dep/mwe (2; 0% instances), sv-dep/nmod:poss (2; 0% instances), sv-dep/neg (1; 0% instances)

Children of PROPN nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: PROPN (427; 26% instances), ADP (405; 25% instances), PUNCT (256; 16% instances), NOUN (234; 14% instances), CONJ (136; 8% instances), NUM (45; 3% instances), ADJ (42; 3% instances), ADV (41; 3% instances), VERB (24; 1% instances), SYM (10; 1% instances), DET (9; 1% instances), PRON (4; 0% instances), SCONJ (2; 0% instances)

Treebank Statistics (UD_Swedish-LinES)

There are 1 PROPN lemmas (6%), 762 PROPN types (6%) and 2703 PROPN tokens (3%). Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of PROPN is: 12 in number of lemmas, 4 in number of types and 10 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent PROPN lemmas: _

The 10 most frequent PROPN types: Harry, Quinn, Stillman, Bray, Auster, Access, Microsoft, Weasley, Ron, Dobby

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: _ (NOUN 14002, VERB 11274, ADP 8898, PUNCT 8656, PRON 8194, ADV 6016, ADJ 5522, DET 4283, CONJ 3016, PROPN 2703, SCONJ 2587, AUX 2238, PART 1778, NUM 440, INTJ 179, X 17, SYM 9)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: Andra (PROPN 5, ADJ 3, PRON 1), Förenta (PROPN 3, VERB 1), SA (PROPN 3, X 2), A (PROPN 2, NOUN 1), Kategori (NOUN 3, PROPN 2), van (ADJ 6, PROPN 2), År (PROPN 2, NOUN 1), Åtgärdat (PROPN 2, VERB 1), C (NOUN 2, PROPN 1), Egenskaper (PROPN 1, NOUN 1)


The form / lemma ratio of PROPN is 762.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 794.764706).

The 1st highest number of forms (762) was observed with the lemma “_”: .xml, .xsd, A, ADOX, ANSI, ANSI-89, ANSI-92, AVS, Aaron, Abrahams, Absaloms, Acccess, Access, Adam, Adamson, Afrika, Airways, Albanien, Albus, Alex, Alexander, Alexandra, Alexanian, Allen, Amerika, Amerikas, Amin, Amins, Amos, Amsterdam, Andra, Andrej, Andrew, Anna, Anställda, Antal, Anwar, Apollo, Arafat, Arafats, Arlesienne, Armenien, Arthur, Asahe, Asahes, Asien, Athen, Auerbach, Auschwitz, Auster, Austers, Australien, Autofilter, Avenue, B, BBC, BRAY, Bachs, Balkan, Barry, Bartlebys, Barzanti, Bashi, Basic, Bassam, Bastiljen, Bayley, Bayleys, Belzecs, Ben-Gurion, Benengeli, Benengelis, Berg, Bernie, Bill, Bizets, Blooms, Blotts, Blums, Bohéme, Bonino, Booz, Borgin, Borgins, Boston, Bray, Brays, British, Brittan, Broadway, Broek, Brooks, Bruce-Briggs, Budapestkvartetten, Bull, Burkes, Burma, C, CIA, CTRL, Cabrols, Caesarea, Cambridge, Carrasco, Casals, Cascading, Cervantes, Charlie, Chicago, Christine, Churchill, Cid, Cincinatti, Clough, Cloughs, Coco, Compson, Compsons, ConnectionFile, ConnectionString, Copeland, Cornelissen, Cox, Cresson, Cross, Cummings, Curtis, Cypern, Cyperns, Cyprian, D, DISTINCT, Daily, Daladiers, Damaskus, Dando, Dandos, Dandy-Roly, Daniel, Danielsson, Danmark, Dar-es-Salaam, Dave, David, Davis, Deal, Den-som-inte-får-nämnas-vid-namn, Denis, Deptford, Derrick, Diagongränden, Dick, Dirian, Dobby, Dobbys, Dolorosa, Don, Donnay, Doris, Dorothy, Dorothys, Dostojevskij, Dostojevskijs, Draco, Drake, Drive, Du-vet-vem, Dudley, Dudleys, Dumbledore, Dumbledores, Dursley, Dursleys, EDU:s, EE, EU, EU:s, Edouard, Edward, Edwards, Efternamn, Egenskaper, Egypten, Ehud, Eichelberger, Eichelbergers, Einstein, Elie, End, Enghien, England, Englands, Entebbe, Erebus, Erith, Errols, Escola, Essen, Etiopien, Eugene, Europa, Europas, Europol, Evelyn, Evelyns, Excel, Explorer, Ezer, F, FFP, FFP:s, FN, FN-ambassadör, Faulkner, Felix, Ferte, Festus, Festus’, Fischler, Fitzsimons, Flandern, Flats, Fleet, Flourish, Forest, Forsyth, Forsyth-Byggen, Fort, Foster, Frances, Franklin, Frankrike, Frankrikes, Fred, Freds, Fresleven, Freslevens, Fricks, Fritzi, FrontPage, Förenta, Försäljare, GRANT, GYLLENROY, Gaeta, Gai-Hinnom, Gala, Gallierna, Gandhi, Gehenna, George, Georges, Getsemanes, Gibraltar, Ginny, Glase, Golden, Gordon, Goshawk, Graenitz, Graham, Gran, Granger, Grangers, Grants, Gravesend, Gray’s, Great, Green, Greenwich, Grekland, Gringotts, Grupp1, Gruppera, Gruson, Gryffindor, Gwenzi, Gwenzis, Gyllenroy, HTML, Hagrid, Haifa, Hamete, Hamilton, Hannas, Harold, Harry, Harrys, Harvey, Harveys, Hatzidakis, Haug, Hautala, Heathrow, Hedwig, Hedwigs, Heights, Helsingfors, Henry, Hereford, Herman, Hermione, Hermiones, Hernando, Hind, Hindenburg, Hitler, Hjalmar, Hobbes, Hoffas, Hogwarts, Hogwartsexpressen, Holland, Hongkong, Hopkirk, Howard, Hubert, Hudson, Hudsonfloden, Importera, Indien, Indira, Inn, Institute, Internet, Ionesco, Irland, Isaac, Israel, Israels, Italien, J, Jacques, Jaffa, Jakob, Jakov, Jalta, James, Jan-Feb, Japan, Jason, Jefferson, Jeremia, Jersey, Jerusalem, Jerusalems, Jesus, Jet, Jimmy, Jo-Ann, Johannes, John, Jones, Jordan, Josafats, Joseph, Joubert, Joyces, Judéens, Kabata, Kabatas, Kabul, Kahn, Kairo, Kanada, Kano, Kategori, Katherine, Katiforis, Kedourie, Kedouries, Kellet-Bowman, Kennedy, Kensington, Kente, Kenyatta, Kermit, Kina, King’s, Kingman, Kinnock, Kippur, Kissinger, Kodaks, Kollek, Kolleks, Kongo, Kreml, Kråkboet, Kuba, Kurtz, Kv3, Kvartal, LOCKMAN, Lakes, Ledley, Lee, Lejonporten, Lenins, Leon, Lev, Leveransdatum, Linds, Lockman, Lockmans, Lomas, London, Louis, Lucius, Lugard, Luncheonette, Lydda, MSDN, Macao, Mace, Machie, Madison, Mafalda, Malenga, Malfoy, Malfoys, Mallorca, Malone, Mandelstam, Manes, Manhattan, Manson, Manuel, Manyema, Mar-Apr, Margot, Maritain, Marknadsföring, Marlow, Marlows, Marocko, Martin, Mason, Masons, Matoko, Maurice, Max, McGowan, Medelhavet, Medina, Mellanöstern, Melville, Melvilles, Messias, Mets, Michel, Microsoft, Miert, Miggs, Miles, Minnesota, Miranda, Mishkenot, Mississippi, Moabs, Moby, Mohieddin, Molly, Monde, Mondes, Mookie, Morse, Moses, Moskva, Mount, Mozart, Msaccess.exe, Mweta, Mwetas, NT, Nantucket, Napoleon, Nasser, Nassers, Nauvoo, Navrozov, Neapel, Needle, Neil, Neils, Nellie, New, News, Ni-vet-vem, Nicaragua, Nimbus, Nkrumah, Nordafrika, Nordpolen, Norge, Northfield, Nota, Nz, OAS, OLE, Odara, Odaras, Oddy, Odysseus, Office, Ojala, Oklahoma, Olivia, Olivias, Onabu, Oomen-Ruijten, Order, Orderdetaljer, Ordervärde, Orient, Ortega, Osip, PATH, POTTER, Pablo, Panza, Paris, Park, Pasilis, Paul, Pena, Percy, Peter, Peters, Pettigrew, Pettigrews, Petunia, Petunias, Pirker, Pittsburgh, Places, Platon, Plymouth, Polen, Polens, Popo, Populär, Port, Portugal, Post, Potsdam, Potter, Poulenc, Privet, Produkter, Quentin, Quijote, Quijotes, Quinn, Quinns, REVOKE, Rabin, Radcliffe, Ramlah, Ras, Ravenna, Rebecca, RecordsetDef, Redvers, Reginald, ReportML, Rhino, Rhodesia, Rinsala, Rio, Riverside, Road, Roland, Roly, Rom, Ron, Ronalds, Rons, Roosevelt, Rosenberg, Ross-on-Wye, Ruhr, Rumänien, Rusty, Ryssland, Rysslands, SA, SQL, STOA, SUD, Sadat, Sadats, Salamanca, Sambata, Samson, Sancho, Santer, Scabbers, Scherers, Schneider, Schweiz, Sdot, Sekou, Sellafield, Sha’ananim, Shahar, Shea, Sheets, Shinza, Shinzas, Shropshire, Sibirien, Silver, Sinjavskij, Sion, Sions, Siri, Sitting, Sjöstedt, Smith, Smiths, Solsjenitsyn, Sovjetunionen, Spanien, Spencer, Sperber, Sport, Sputnikbaren, St, Stearns, Stendhals, Stephen, Stern, Stillman, Stillmans, Stjärnskott, Storbritannien, Storbritanniens, Stravinskij, Street, Stromboli, Style, Svartvändargränden, Sverige, Sydafrika, Sydamerika, Sydney, Syrien, System, System32, Systemadministratör, Söderhavet, Talisman, Taminos, Tanganyika, Tatu, Teddy, Teheran, Telford, Terror, Thomas, Thompson, Thompsons, Thors, TillåtBorttagning, TillåtRedigering, TillåtTillägg, Times, Timothy, Tindi, Toledo, Tolstoj, Tom, Touré, Transact-SQL, Tulsa, Tyskland, U, USA, Umsalongwe, Universum, V, Valverdes, Vatikanen, Venetia, Vermeers, Vernon, Vernons, Versailles, Via, Vietnam, Virginia, Vivien, Vol, Voldemort, Voldemorts, Volkswagen, Värde, Västeuropa, Västprovinsen, WINNT, WTO, Wales, Walter, Warszawapaktens, Warszawas, Washington, Watergate, Weasley, Weasleys, Web, Weimarrepublikens, Wentz, Wentz’, West, William, Willie, Willies, Wilson, Wilsons, Wiltshire, Windows, Wolfsonstiftelsen, Word, Work, Wyre, XML, XP, XSD, XSLT, Yam, Yassir, Yehoshua, Yom, York, Youngblood, Zakaria, Zion, _rapport.xml, april, ben, den, des, februari, gud, guds, http://officeupdate.microsoft.com/, januari, juli, juni, maj, mars, november, orienten, september, sidfilnamn.bak.htm, van, yorks, År, Åtgärdat, Österrike, Östeuropa.

PROPN does not occur with any features.


PROPN nodes are attached to their parents using 23 different relations: sv-dep/nsubj (892; 33% instances), sv-dep/nmod (671; 25% instances), sv-dep/name (324; 12% instances), sv-dep/nmod:poss (226; 8% instances), sv-dep/dobj (165; 6% instances), sv-dep/conj (150; 6% instances), sv-dep/compound (108; 4% instances), sv-dep/root (33; 1% instances), sv-dep/vocative (33; 1% instances), sv-dep/nsubjpass (26; 1% instances), sv-dep/xcomp (22; 1% instances), sv-dep/appos (16; 1% instances), sv-dep/dislocated (10; 0% instances), sv-dep/iobj (7; 0% instances), sv-dep/nmod:agent (6; 0% instances), sv-dep/mwe (4; 0% instances), sv-dep/discourse (3; 0% instances), sv-dep/advmod (2; 0% instances), sv-dep/acl (1; 0% instances), sv-dep/acl:relcl (1; 0% instances), sv-dep/advcl (1; 0% instances), sv-dep/det (1; 0% instances), sv-dep/parataxis (1; 0% instances)

Parents of PROPN nodes belong to 15 different parts of speech: VERB (1405; 52% instances), NOUN (640; 24% instances), PROPN (493; 18% instances), ADJ (61; 2% instances), ROOT (33; 1% instances), PRON (30; 1% instances), ADV (15; 1% instances), AUX (8; 0% instances), ADP (7; 0% instances), NUM (4; 0% instances), INTJ (2; 0% instances), PUNCT (2; 0% instances), DET (1; 0% instances), SCONJ (1; 0% instances), SYM (1; 0% instances)

1457 (54%) PROPN nodes are leaves.

743 (27%) PROPN nodes have one child.

276 (10%) PROPN nodes have two children.

227 (8%) PROPN nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a PROPN node is 10.

Children of PROPN nodes are attached using 28 different relations: sv-dep/case (644; 30% instances), sv-dep/nmod (336; 15% instances), sv-dep/name (325; 15% instances), sv-dep/punct (182; 8% instances), sv-dep/conj (181; 8% instances), sv-dep/cc (136; 6% instances), sv-dep/amod (72; 3% instances), sv-dep/acl:relcl (49; 2% instances), sv-dep/advmod (40; 2% instances), sv-dep/det (38; 2% instances), sv-dep/cop (32; 1% instances), sv-dep/appos (19; 1% instances), sv-dep/nummod (17; 1% instances), sv-dep/compound (15; 1% instances), sv-dep/nsubj (15; 1% instances), sv-dep/nmod:poss (12; 1% instances), sv-dep/mark (11; 1% instances), sv-dep/expl (10; 0% instances), sv-dep/discourse (7; 0% instances), sv-dep/mwe (7; 0% instances), sv-dep/aux (5; 0% instances), sv-dep/acl (4; 0% instances), sv-dep/dislocated (4; 0% instances), sv-dep/neg (4; 0% instances), sv-dep/parataxis (4; 0% instances), sv-dep/csubj (1; 0% instances), sv-dep/vocative (1; 0% instances), sv-dep/xcomp (1; 0% instances)

Children of PROPN nodes belong to 17 different parts of speech: ADP (644; 30% instances), PROPN (493; 23% instances), NOUN (383; 18% instances), PUNCT (182; 8% instances), CONJ (137; 6% instances), VERB (99; 5% instances), ADJ (71; 3% instances), ADV (42; 2% instances), DET (36; 2% instances), PRON (35; 2% instances), NUM (18; 1% instances), SCONJ (9; 0% instances), INTJ (8; 0% instances), PART (6; 0% instances), AUX (5; 0% instances), SYM (2; 0% instances), X (2; 0% instances)

PROPN in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]