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Number: number

In English, Number is a feature of nouns and other parts of speech that mark agreement with nouns, i.e. personal pronouns, verbs, and some determiners.

Sing: singular

A singular noun denotes one person, animal or thing. Every noun with the PTB tag NN or NNP is marked with this feature.


Pronouns that refer to a single person, an animal or a thing are also marked with this feature.

We also mark all verbs with the PTB tag VBZ with this feature.


Further, we mark inflections of be that can only have a singular noun or pronoun in subject position with this feature.

Demonstrative determiners of singular nouns and demonstrative pronouns that refer to singular nouns are also marked with this feature.

Plur: plural

A plural noun denotes several persons, animals or things. Every noun with the PTB tag NNS or NNPS is marked with this feature.


Pronouns that refer to a single person, an animal or a thing are also marked with this feature.

Demonstrative determiners of plural nouns and demonstrative pronouns that refer to plural nouns are also marked with this feature.

We currently don’t mark plurale tantum or collective/mass nouns.

Treebank Statistics (UD_English)

This feature is universal. It occurs with 2 different values: Plur, Sing.

85752 tokens (34%) have a non-empty value of Number. 14555 types (75%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Number. 11965 lemmas (73%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Number. The feature is used with 13 part-of-speech tags: en-pos/NOUN (43783; 17% instances), en-pos/PROPN (16897; 7% instances), en-pos/PRON (16030; 6% instances), en-pos/VERB (5697; 2% instances), en-pos/AUX (1871; 1% instances), en-pos/DET (1415; 1% instances), en-pos/SYM (48; 0% instances), en-pos/ADJ (5; 0% instances), en-pos/X (2; 0% instances), en-pos/ADP (1; 0% instances), en-pos/ADV (1; 0% instances), en-pos/INTJ (1; 0% instances), en-pos/NUM (1; 0% instances).


43783 en-pos/NOUN tokens (100% of all NOUN tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

NOUN tokens may have the following values of Number:

Paradigm timeSingPlur


16897 en-pos/PROPN tokens (100% of all PROPN tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

PROPN tokens may have the following values of Number:

Paradigm StatesSingPlur

Number seems to be lexical feature of PROPN. 100% lemmas (5490) occur only with one value of Number.


16030 en-pos/PRON tokens (72% of all PRON tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which PRON and Number co-occurred: PronType=Prs (15055; 94%), Poss=EMPTY (13204; 82%), Gender=EMPTY (11215; 70%), Case=Nom (9592; 60%).

PRON tokens may have the following values of Number:

Number seems to be lexical feature of PRON. 100% lemmas (22) occur only with one value of Number.


5697 en-pos/VERB tokens (17% of all VERB tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which VERB and Number co-occurred: VerbForm=Fin (5691; 100%), Mood=Ind (5691; 100%), Person=3 (5518; 97%), Tense=Pres (4715; 83%).

VERB tokens may have the following values of Number:

Number seems to be lexical feature of VERB. 100% lemmas (439) occur only with one value of Number.


1871 en-pos/AUX tokens (19% of all AUX tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which AUX and Number co-occurred: Mood=Ind (1871; 100%), VerbForm=Fin (1871; 100%), Person=3 (1656; 89%), Tense=Pres (1362; 73%).

AUX tokens may have the following values of Number:


1415 en-pos/DET tokens (7% of all DET tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which DET and Number co-occurred: Definite=EMPTY (1415; 100%), PronType=Dem (1414; 100%).

DET tokens may have the following values of Number:


48 en-pos/SYM tokens (6% of all SYM tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

SYM tokens may have the following values of Number:


5 en-pos/ADJ tokens (0% of all ADJ tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which ADJ and Number co-occurred: Degree=EMPTY (5; 100%).

ADJ tokens may have the following values of Number:


2 en-pos/X tokens (0% of all X tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

X tokens may have the following values of Number:


1 en-pos/ADP tokens (0% of all ADP tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

ADP tokens may have the following values of Number:


1 en-pos/INTJ tokens (0% of all INTJ tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

INTJ tokens may have the following values of Number:


1 en-pos/NUM tokens (0% of all NUM tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which NUM and Number co-occurred: NumType=EMPTY (1; 100%).

NUM tokens may have the following values of Number:


1 en-pos/ADV tokens (0% of all ADV tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which ADV and Number co-occurred: PronType=EMPTY (1; 100%).

ADV tokens may have the following values of Number:

Relations with Agreement in Number

The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Number: NOUN –[compound]–> NOUN (3916; 71%), NOUN –[nmod]–> NOUN (3203; 61%), PROPN –[compound]–> PROPN (2899; 92%), NOUN –[conj]–> NOUN (1931; 79%), NOUN –[nmod:poss]–> PRON (1810; 50%), PROPN –[name]–> PROPN (1526; 99%), NOUN –[cop]–> VERB (1209; 61%), NOUN –[nmod]–> PROPN (1141; 71%), NOUN –[compound]–> PROPN (898; 72%), PROPN –[conj]–> PROPN (854; 96%).

Number in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]