: verb
Verbs typically inflect for tense, mood and person and signal events and actions. Verbs can constitute a minimal predicate in a clause, and govern the number and types of other constituents which may occur in the clause.
Auxiliary and modal verbs are not annotated as VERB
but rather
- [fi] ойна, же “play, eat”
Treebank Statistics (UD_Kazakh)
There are 286 VERB
lemmas (17%), 554 VERB
types (23%) and 927 VERB
tokens (18%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of VERB
is: 2 in number of lemmas, 2 in number of types and 3 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent VERB
lemmas: е, бол, де, біл, ал, бер, кел, тұр, шық, тап
The 10 most frequent VERB
types: _, деп, болып, болған, болды, біледі, береді, алып, емес, бастап
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: е (VERB 131, AUX 2), бол (VERB 71, AUX 1), де (VERB 30, AUX 2), ал (AUX 23, VERB 21, CONJ 4, INTJ 1), бер (VERB 19, AUX 5), кел (VERB 16, AUX 8), тұр (VERB 15, AUX 6), шық (VERB 13, AUX 1), қара (VERB 12, NOUN 1), баста (AUX 15, VERB 10, ADP 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: _ (VERB 134, PART 74, NOUN 63, ADJ 60, PRON 14, CONJ 13, AUX 9, ADP 6, PROPN 4, ADV 4, NUM 3, PUNCT 1), деп (VERB 21, AUX 1), береді (VERB 8, AUX 2), алып (VERB 6, ADJ 1, AUX 1), емес (VERB 7, PART 2), бастап (VERB 6, ADP 1), болады (VERB 4, AUX 1), еді (VERB 4, AUX 2), беріп (VERB 3, AUX 1), келеді (VERB 3, AUX 3)
- _
- VERB 134: Бастауыш білім баршаға міндетті болуы _ _ .
- PART 74: Иран жерінде сақтар тарихына қатысты мәдени _ _ мол сақталған .
- NOUN 63: Иран — діни _ _ .
- ADJ 60: Бастауыш білім баршаға міндетті болуы _ _ .
- PRON 14: Азаматтың кішкентай бір күшігі _ _ , қазір _ _ _ _ .
- CONJ 13: Ол _ _ , _ _ емес .
- AUX 9: Сіз кітапхананы картадан көрсете _ _ ?
- ADP 6: Неке , тек екі жақтың өзара еркін және толық келісімі _ _ қиылады .
- PROPN 4: Баяғыда біреу той жасапты , тойға көп кісі жиналыпты , _ _ келіпті .
- ADV 4: Астанаға баратын пойыз _ _ ?
- NUM 3: Қала халқы _ _ .
- PUNCT 1: Халқының ұлттық құрамы : парсылар ( 51% ) , әзірбайжандар ( 27% ) , күрдтер ( 5% ) , арабтар , түрікмендер , белуджилер , армяндар , еврейлер , _ _ _
- деп
- береді
- алып
- емес
- бастап
- болады
- еді
- беріп
- келеді
The form / lemma ratio of VERB
is 1.937063 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.458688).
The 1st highest number of forms (22) was observed with the lemma “бол”: _, бола, болады, болайын, болар, болатын, болды, болмады, болмайды, болмаған, болса, болсаң, болсын, болу, болуы, болуымен, болуға, болып, болыпты, болғалы, болған, болғанын.
The 2nd highest number of forms (12) was observed with the lemma “біл”: _, білген, білгенге, білгенді, білді, біледі, білетін, білмейді, білмейтін, білмек, білсең, біліп.
The 3rd highest number of forms (11) was observed with the lemma “ал”: ала, алды, алсам__екен, алуы, алуға, алынады, алынды, алып, алыңыз, алған, алғанға.
does not occur with any features.
nodes are attached to their parents using 15 different relations: kk-dep/root (332; 36% instances), kk-dep/cop (174; 19% instances), kk-dep/advcl (170; 18% instances), kk-dep/acl (83; 9% instances), kk-dep/conj (65; 7% instances), kk-dep/ccomp (46; 5% instances), kk-dep/csubj (25; 3% instances), kk-dep/parataxis (23; 2% instances), kk-dep/nmod (2; 0% instances), kk-dep/xcomp (2; 0% instances), kk-dep/appos (1; 0% instances), kk-dep/aux (1; 0% instances), kk-dep/compound (1; 0% instances), kk-dep/discourse (1; 0% instances), kk-dep/dobj (1; 0% instances)
Parents of VERB
nodes belong to 9 different parts of speech: ROOT (332; 36% instances), VERB (292; 31% instances), NOUN (162; 17% instances), ADJ (111; 12% instances), PRON (11; 1% instances), ADV (8; 1% instances), PROPN (7; 1% instances), NUM (3; 0% instances), PUNCT (1; 0% instances)
209 (23%) VERB
nodes are leaves.
170 (18%) VERB
nodes have one child.
154 (17%) VERB
nodes have two children.
394 (43%) VERB
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a VERB
node is 12.
Children of VERB
nodes are attached using 23 different relations: kk-dep/punct (551; 26% instances), kk-dep/nmod (411; 19% instances), kk-dep/nsubj (335; 16% instances), kk-dep/dobj (248; 12% instances), kk-dep/advcl (161; 7% instances), kk-dep/aux (107; 5% instances), kk-dep/advmod (100; 5% instances), kk-dep/conj (68; 3% instances), kk-dep/ccomp (53; 2% instances), kk-dep/cc (31; 1% instances), kk-dep/parataxis (23; 1% instances), kk-dep/discourse (22; 1% instances), kk-dep/csubj (10; 0% instances), kk-dep/iobj (9; 0% instances), kk-dep/cop (6; 0% instances), kk-dep/case (5; 0% instances), kk-dep/nmod:poss (4; 0% instances), kk-dep/vocative (3; 0% instances), kk-dep/xcomp (2; 0% instances), kk-dep/appos (1; 0% instances), kk-dep/compound (1; 0% instances), kk-dep/det (1; 0% instances), kk-dep/mark (1; 0% instances)
Children of VERB
nodes belong to 15 different parts of speech: NOUN (835; 39% instances), PUNCT (551; 26% instances), VERB (292; 14% instances), AUX (106; 5% instances), PRON (95; 4% instances), PROPN (87; 4% instances), ADV (56; 3% instances), ADJ (47; 2% instances), PART (29; 1% instances), CONJ (26; 1% instances), NUM (10; 0% instances), SCONJ (8; 0% instances), ADP (5; 0% instances), INTJ (5; 0% instances), DET (1; 0% instances)
VERB in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]