: verb
A verb is a member of the syntactic class of words that typically signal events and actions, can constitute a minimal predicate in a clause, and govern the number and types of other constituents which may occur in the clause. Note that the VERB tag covers main verbs (content verbs) and copulas but it does not cover auxiliary verbs, for which there is the AUX tag.
In Norwegian, modal verbs occurring alone, as in skal hjem lit. shall home “will go home” are tagged as VERB
, but otherwise they will be AUX
. Participles are annotated as verbs when they occur with auxiliaries ha “have”, få “get” or a modal auxiliary. When the participle occurs with the copula or bli “become” or follows a head noun, the participle may be either adjective or verb (for syntactic tests to determine these cases, see Kinn et. al.).
- løpe “run”, løper “runs”, løp “ran”, (har) løpt “(has) run”
- spise “eat”, spiser “eats”, spiste “ate”, (har) spist “(has) eaten”
Kari Kinn, Per Erik Solberg and Pål Kristian Eriksen. “NDT Guidelines for Morphological Annotation”. National Library Tech Report.
Treebank Statistics (UD_Norwegian)
There are 2058 VERB
lemmas (8%), 4458 VERB
types (13%) and 40568 VERB
tokens (13%).
Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of VERB
is: 4 in number of lemmas, 4 in number of types and 3 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent VERB
lemmas: være, ha, si, bli, få, komme, ta, gjøre, gå, se
The 10 most frequent VERB
types: er, var, har, sier, være, blir, vært, kommer, går, ha
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: være (VERB 7983, AUX 884, ADJ 1), ha (AUX 2853, VERB 1796, X 2), si (VERB 1387, ADJ 3), bli (AUX 1106, VERB 1042), få (VERB 949, AUX 250, ADJ 98), komme (VERB 782, ADJ 9), ta (VERB 782, ADJ 2, X 1), gjøre (VERB 763, ADJ 3), gå (VERB 735, ADJ 3, X 1), se (VERB 669, ADJ 7)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: er (VERB 5299, AUX 691, X 4, DET 2), var (VERB 1526, AUX 109, ADJ 3, X 2), har (AUX 2219, VERB 1104, X 1), være (VERB 689, AUX 20), blir (VERB 342, AUX 226, X 2), vært (VERB 346, AUX 53), går (VERB 296, NOUN 56), ha (VERB 283, AUX 218, X 2), få (VERB 292, AUX 80, ADJ 69), bli (VERB 280, AUX 154)
- er
- var
- har
- AUX 2219: Dette uaktet at også han selv har underskrevet dommen .
- VERB 1104: Meddommerens utspill har en selvfølgelig smitteeffekt .
- X 1: « Det var ein del yngre som ikkje røysta ved førre val , og eg har snakka med ungdommar som seier det kjennest for høgtidelig å gå inn i ein kommunestyresal eller ein bystyresal .
- være
- blir
- vært
- går
- ha
- få
- bli
The form / lemma ratio of VERB
is 2.166181 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.382722).
The 1st highest number of forms (7) was observed with the lemma “bygge”: bygd, bygde, byge, bygge, bygger, bygges, bygget.
The 2nd highest number of forms (7) was observed with the lemma “fortelle”: Fortell, Fotelle, fortalt, fortalte, fortelle, forteller, fortelles.
The 3rd highest number of forms (7) was observed with the lemma “kalle”: Kall, kalle, kaller, kalles, kallet, kalt, kalte.
occurs with 6 features: no-feat/VerbForm (40568; 100% instances), no-feat/Mood (25675; 63% instances), no-feat/Tense (25443; 63% instances), no-feat/Voice (1147; 3% instances), no-feat/Definite (1; 0% instances), no-feat/Number (1; 0% instances)
occurs with 10 feature-value pairs: Definite=Ind
, Mood=Imp
, Mood=Ind
, Number=Sing
, Tense=Past
, Tense=Pres
, VerbForm=Fin
, VerbForm=Inf
, VerbForm=Part
, Voice=Pass
occurs with 9 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin
(17975 tokens).
Examples: er, har, sier, blir, kommer, går, mener, får, ser, gjør
nodes are attached to their parents using 18 different relations: no-dep/root (13780; 34% instances), no-dep/cop (7217; 18% instances), no-dep/advcl (4771; 12% instances), no-dep/conj (4112; 10% instances), no-dep/acl:relcl (3814; 9% instances), no-dep/ccomp (1722; 4% instances), no-dep/acl (1363; 3% instances), no-dep/xcomp (1301; 3% instances), no-dep/parataxis (1261; 3% instances), no-dep/csubj (932; 2% instances), no-dep/appos (140; 0% instances), no-dep/nmod (69; 0% instances), no-dep/remnant (40; 0% instances), no-dep/name (14; 0% instances), no-dep/goeswith (13; 0% instances), no-dep/compound (10; 0% instances), no-dep/csubjpass (8; 0% instances), no-dep/iobj (1; 0% instances)
Parents of VERB
nodes belong to 14 different parts of speech: ROOT (13780; 34% instances), VERB (11284; 28% instances), NOUN (7361; 18% instances), ADJ (5268; 13% instances), PRON (1159; 3% instances), ADV (647; 2% instances), PROPN (515; 1% instances), ADP (236; 1% instances), DET (185; 0% instances), NUM (99; 0% instances), X (12; 0% instances), AUX (11; 0% instances), INTJ (9; 0% instances), CONJ (2; 0% instances)
7450 (18%) VERB
nodes are leaves.
2616 (6%) VERB
nodes have one child.
4236 (10%) VERB
nodes have two children.
26266 (65%) VERB
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a VERB
node is 14.
Children of VERB
nodes are attached using 33 different relations: no-dep/nsubj (23229; 18% instances), no-dep/punct (21052; 16% instances), no-dep/nmod (15501; 12% instances), no-dep/dobj (13818; 10% instances), no-dep/mark (12717; 10% instances), no-dep/advmod (8202; 6% instances), no-dep/aux (8143; 6% instances), no-dep/cc (3916; 3% instances), no-dep/conj (3790; 3% instances), no-dep/xcomp (3790; 3% instances), no-dep/advcl (3777; 3% instances), no-dep/compound:prt (2541; 2% instances), no-dep/ccomp (2228; 2% instances), no-dep/expl (1877; 1% instances), no-dep/nsubjpass (1853; 1% instances), no-dep/neg (1842; 1% instances), no-dep/auxpass (1106; 1% instances), no-dep/parataxis (963; 1% instances), no-dep/iobj (695; 1% instances), no-dep/cop (367; 0% instances), no-dep/csubj (278; 0% instances), no-dep/case (264; 0% instances), no-dep/remnant (200; 0% instances), no-dep/dislocated (115; 0% instances), no-dep/discourse (76; 0% instances), no-dep/appos (51; 0% instances), no-dep/goeswith (38; 0% instances), no-dep/nummod (15; 0% instances), no-dep/name (9; 0% instances), no-dep/csubjpass (8; 0% instances), no-dep/compound (2; 0% instances), no-dep/acl (1; 0% instances), no-dep/det (1; 0% instances)
Children of VERB
nodes belong to 17 different parts of speech: NOUN (31629; 24% instances), PUNCT (21052; 16% instances), PRON (18791; 14% instances), VERB (11284; 9% instances), AUX (9249; 7% instances), ADV (7088; 5% instances), PROPN (6878; 5% instances), ADP (6181; 5% instances), ADJ (5847; 4% instances), SCONJ (5364; 4% instances), PART (4111; 3% instances), CONJ (3918; 3% instances), NUM (569; 0% instances), DET (405; 0% instances), INTJ (77; 0% instances), X (20; 0% instances), SYM (2; 0% instances)
VERB in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]