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Definite: definiteness or state

Definiteness is typically a feature of nouns, adjectives and articles. Its value distinguishes whether we are talking about something known and concrete, or something general or unknown. It can be marked on definite and indefinite articles, or directly on nouns, adjectives etc.

In Bulgarian there are definite and indefinite articles. The definite article is part of the word, in postposition (жената / zhenata ‘woman-the’ (the woman))). The indefinite articles can be: the form един / edin (one) or the zero marker.

However, when added to a nominal phrase, the articles become phrasal affixes, i.e. Bulgarian does not have agreement is definiteness. For example, хубавата висока руса жена / hubavata visoka rusa zhena ‘pretty-the tall blond woman’ (the pretty tall blond woman).

Ind: indefinite


Def: definite


Treebank Statistics (UD_Bulgarian)

This feature is universal. It occurs with 2 different values: Def, Ind.

60378 tokens (39%) have a non-empty value of Definite. 22098 types (84%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Definite. 12320 lemmas (83%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Definite. The feature is used with 9 part-of-speech tags: bg-pos/NOUN (32712; 21% instances), bg-pos/ADJ (13292; 9% instances), bg-pos/PROPN (8163; 5% instances), bg-pos/VERB (2765; 2% instances), bg-pos/NUM (2038; 1% instances), bg-pos/DET (778; 0% instances), bg-pos/ADV (396; 0% instances), bg-pos/AUX (119; 0% instances), bg-pos/PRON (115; 0% instances).


32712 bg-pos/NOUN tokens (96% of all NOUN tokens) have a non-empty value of Definite.

The most frequent other feature values with which NOUN and Definite co-occurred: Number=Sing (23760; 73%).

NOUN tokens may have the following values of Definite:

Paradigm годинаIndDef
Number=Singг., годинагодината
Number=Plurг., години, ггодините


13292 bg-pos/ADJ tokens (98% of all ADJ tokens) have a non-empty value of Definite.

The most frequent other feature values with which ADJ and Definite co-occurred: Aspect=EMPTY (11820; 89%), Voice=EMPTY (11820; 89%), VerbForm=EMPTY (11820; 89%), Degree=Pos (11052; 83%), Number=Sing (9390; 71%).

ADJ tokens may have the following values of Definite:

Paradigm новIndDef
Degree=Pos|Gender=Masc|Number=Singновновия, новият


8163 bg-pos/PROPN tokens (97% of all PROPN tokens) have a non-empty value of Definite.

The most frequent other feature values with which PROPN and Definite co-occurred: Number=Sing (8014; 98%), Gender=Masc (5110; 63%).

PROPN tokens may have the following values of Definite:

Paradigm есIndDef

Definite seems to be lexical feature of PROPN. 98% lemmas (2816) occur only with one value of Definite.


2765 bg-pos/VERB tokens (14% of all VERB tokens) have a non-empty value of Definite.

The most frequent other feature values with which VERB and Definite co-occurred: VerbForm=Part (2765; 100%), Person=EMPTY (2765; 100%), Mood=EMPTY (2638; 95%), Aspect=Perf (2017; 73%), Number=Sing (1909; 69%), Voice=Act (1694; 61%).

VERB tokens may have the following values of Definite:

Paradigm останаIndDef

Definite seems to be lexical feature of VERB. 100% lemmas (996) occur only with one value of Definite.


2038 bg-pos/NUM tokens (97% of all NUM tokens) have a non-empty value of Definite.

The most frequent other feature values with which NUM and Definite co-occurred: NumType=Card (2038; 100%), Number=Plur (1810; 89%), Gender=EMPTY (1544; 76%).

NUM tokens may have the following values of Definite:

Paradigm дваIndDef
Gender=Mascдва, 2двата
Gender=Femдве, 2двете
2, дведвете

Definite seems to be lexical feature of NUM. 97% lemmas (396) occur only with one value of Definite.


778 bg-pos/DET tokens (32% of all DET tokens) have a non-empty value of Definite.

The most frequent other feature values with which DET and Definite co-occurred: Number=Sing (587; 75%), Poss=Yes (500; 64%), PronType=Prs (500; 64%), Person=EMPTY (400; 51%).

DET tokens may have the following values of Definite:

Paradigm единIndDef
Gender=Fem|Number=Singедна, единедната


396 bg-pos/ADV tokens (6% of all ADV tokens) have a non-empty value of Definite.

The most frequent other feature values with which ADV and Definite co-occurred: PronType=EMPTY (396; 100%), Degree=EMPTY (280; 71%).

ADV tokens may have the following values of Definite:

Paradigm многоIndDef
много, Многаямногото


119 bg-pos/AUX tokens (6% of all AUX tokens) have a non-empty value of Definite.

The most frequent other feature values with which AUX and Definite co-occurred: VerbForm=Part (119; 100%), Person=EMPTY (119; 100%), Voice=Act (119; 100%), Aspect=Imp (119; 100%), Mood=EMPTY (119; 100%), Tense=Past (119; 100%), Number=Sing (78; 66%).

AUX tokens may have the following values of Definite:


115 bg-pos/PRON tokens (1% of all PRON tokens) have a non-empty value of Definite.

The most frequent other feature values with which PRON and Definite co-occurred: Person=EMPTY (115; 100%), Poss=EMPTY (115; 100%), Reflex=EMPTY (115; 100%), Case=Nom (106; 92%), Number=Sing (87; 76%), Gender=Neut (83; 72%), PronType=Ind (71; 62%).

PRON tokens may have the following values of Definite:

Paradigm никойIndDef

Relations with Agreement in Definite

The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Definite: NOUN –[amod]–> ADJ (5748; 51%), NOUN –[nmod]–> NOUN (4862; 51%), NOUN –[conj]–> NOUN (1791; 83%), NOUN –[nmod]–> PROPN (1731; 54%), PROPN –[name]–> PROPN (1168; 93%), PROPN –[nmod]–> PROPN (618; 98%), PROPN –[conj]–> PROPN (559; 99%), ADJ –[nmod]–> NOUN (367; 55%), ADJ –[conj]–> ADJ (326; 91%), PROPN –[nmod]–> NOUN (303; 89%).

Definite in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]