: case
In Bulgarian only some nouns have special vocative forms (v):
- Иване, приятелю, Родино, Стефке / Ivane, priyatelyu, Rodino, Stefke (Ivan, friend, homeland, Stefka)
The cases are still alive in personal pronouns: nominative (n), accusative (a) and dative (d).
- нея, тя, му, го / neya, tya, mu, go (her.ACC.LONG, she.NOM, him.DAT.SHORT, him.ACC.SHORT).
Accusative and dative cases are still present in the masculine, singular forms of some other pronouns – interrogative, indefinite, collective, relative, negative. Please note that the dative forms are analytical and thus, only the accusative form is marked after the preposition ‘на’.
- кого, някого, никого / kogo, nyakogo, nikogo (whom, someone.ACC, nobody.ACC)
- на кого, на някого, на никого / na kogo, na nyakogo, na nikogo (to whom, to someone.ACC, to nobody.ACC)
In our tagset another idiosyncratic case has been marked – the so-called ‘dative possessive case’ (s). It refers to situations where the short possessive pronoun comes before its possessor noun and thus – next to the verb.
- Той ми взе шапката / Toy mi vze shapkata ‘He my.POSS took hat.DEF’ (He took my hat.)
The canonical sentence would be: Той взе шапката ми / Toy vze shapkata mi ‘He took hat.DEF my.POSS’ (He took my hat).
Treebank Statistics (UD_Bulgarian)
This feature is universal.
It occurs with 4 different values: Acc
, Dat
, Nom
, Voc
9151 tokens (6%) have a non-empty value of Case
122 types (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Case
29 lemmas (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Case
The feature is used with 4 part-of-speech tags: bg-pos/PRON (9119; 6% instances), bg-pos/ADJ (24; 0% instances), bg-pos/DET (4; 0% instances), bg-pos/PROPN (4; 0% instances).
9119 bg-pos/PRON tokens (90% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which PRON
and Case
co-occurred: Poss=EMPTY (8450; 93%), PronType=Prs (7193; 79%), Gender=EMPTY (5928; 65%), Person=EMPTY (5783; 63%), Reflex=EMPTY (5262; 58%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(4395; 48% of non-emptyCase
): се, го, него, я, ги, тях, нас, ме, нея, ниDat
(835; 9% of non-emptyCase
): си, му, ми, й, им, ти, ни, ви, мен, менеNom
(3889; 43% of non-emptyCase
): си, това, той, които, който, тя, те, която, което, азEMPTY
(975): му, ни, й, им, ми, ви, ти, защо, това, каквото
Paradigm аз | Nom | Acc | Dat |
Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3 | той | го, него | му, нему |
Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3 | тя | я, нея | й |
Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3 | то | го, него | му |
Number=Sing|Person=1 | аз | ме, мен, мене | ми, мен, мене |
Number=Sing|Person=2 | ти, вие | те, тебе, ви, вас, теб | ти, ви |
Number=Plur|Person=1 | ние, ний | нас, ни | ни |
Number=Plur|Person=2 | вие | вас, ви | ви |
Number=Plur|Person=3 | те | ги, тях | им, тям |
24 bg-pos/ADJ tokens (0% of all ADJ
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which ADJ
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (24; 100%), Aspect=EMPTY (24; 100%), Voice=EMPTY (24; 100%), Gender=Masc (24; 100%), VerbForm=EMPTY (24; 100%), Definite=EMPTY (24; 100%), Degree=Pos (24; 100%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(24; 100% of non-emptyCase
): Нови, уважаеми, драги, млади, Велики, Преподобни, други, любезни, мили, скъпиEMPTY
(13565): други, народното, българската, нова, другите, европейската, последните, 2001, друг, цялата
seems to be lexical feature of ADJ
. 100% lemmas (11) occur only with one value of Case
4 bg-pos/DET tokens (0% of all DET
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which DET
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (4; 100%), Gender=Masc (4; 100%), Person=EMPTY (4; 100%), Poss=EMPTY (4; 100%), Definite=Def (3; 75%), PronType=Ind (3; 75%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1; 25% of non-emptyCase
): никогоNom
(3; 75% of non-emptyCase
): единиятEMPTY
(2429): тази, този, тези, това, всички, един, какво, една, всеки, всяка
4 bg-pos/PROPN tokens (0% of all PROPN
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which PROPN
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (4; 100%), Definite=EMPTY (4; 100%), Gender=Masc (3; 75%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1; 25% of non-emptyCase
): ПеткаVoc
(3; 75% of non-emptyCase
): Господи, Калине, ЯнкеEMPTY
(8424): България, София, Иван, ЕС, Европа, СДС, Петър, Стоянов, Костов, Георги
Relations with Agreement in Case
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Case
PRON –[nsubj]–> PRON (11; 69%),
PRON –[conj]–> PRON (6; 100%),
PRON –[nmod]–> PRON (1; 100%).
Case in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]