: passive auxiliary
A passive auxiliary of a clause is a non-main verb of the clause which contains the passive information.
Kennedy has been killed
auxpass(killed, been)
Kennedy was killed
auxpass(killed, was)
Kennedy got killed
auxpass(killed, got)
Treebank Statistics (UD_English)
This relation is universal.
1643 nodes (1%) are attached to their parents as auxpass
1606 instances of auxpass
(98%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent).
Average distance between parent and child is 1.22215459525259.
The following 7 pairs of parts of speech are connected with auxpass
: en-pos/VERB-en-pos/AUX (1588; 97% instances), en-pos/VERB-en-pos/VERB (24; 1% instances), en-pos/ADJ-en-pos/VERB (23; 1% instances), en-pos/ADV-en-pos/AUX (3; 0% instances), en-pos/NOUN-en-pos/AUX (3; 0% instances), en-pos/ADJ-en-pos/AUX (1; 0% instances), en-pos/PRON-en-pos/VERB (1; 0% instances).
# visual-style 6 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6 fgColor:white
# visual-style 7 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 7 fgColor:white
# visual-style 7 6 auxpass color:blue
1 Four four NUM CD NumType=Card 2 nummod _ _
2 months month NOUN NNS Number=Plur 3 nmod:npmod _ _
3 later later ADV RB _ 7 advmod _ SpaceAfter=No
4 , , PUNCT , _ 7 punct _ _
5 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 7 nsubjpass _ _
6 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 7 auxpass _ _
7 married marry VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root _ SpaceAfter=No
8 . . PUNCT . _ 7 punct _ _
# visual-style 3 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3 fgColor:white
# visual-style 6 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6 fgColor:white
# visual-style 6 3 auxpass color:blue
1 Aplo. aplo. NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 compound _ _
2 lineatus lineatus NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nsubjpass _ _
3 are be VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 6 auxpass _ _
4 wide wide ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 6 advmod _ SpaceAfter=No
5 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 6 punct _ SpaceAfter=No
6 spread spread VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root _ _
7 over over ADP IN _ 9 case _ _
8 southern southern ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod _ _
9 India India PROPN NNP Number=Sing 6 nmod _ SpaceAfter=No
10 . . PUNCT . _ 6 punct _ _
# visual-style 11 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 11 fgColor:white
# visual-style 12 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 12 fgColor:white
# visual-style 12 11 auxpass color:blue
1 Try try VERB VB Mood=Imp|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
2 googling google VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 1 xcomp _ _
3 it it PRON PRP Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 2 dobj _ _
4 or or CONJ CC _ 1 cc _ _
5 type type VERB VB Mood=Imp|VerbForm=Fin 1 conj _ _
6 it it PRON PRP Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 5 dobj _ _
7 into into ADP IN _ 8 case _ _
8 youtube youtube PROPN NNP Number=Sing 5 nmod _ _
9 you you PRON PRP Case=Nom|Person=2|PronType=Prs 12 nsubjpass _ _
10 might might AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 12 aux _ _
11 get get VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 12 auxpass _ _
12 lucky lucky ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 1 parataxis _ SpaceAfter=No
13 . . PUNCT . _ 1 punct _ _
Treebank Statistics (UD_English-ESL)
This relation is universal.
495 nodes (1%) are attached to their parents as auxpass
495 instances of auxpass
(100%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent).
Average distance between parent and child is 1.11919191919192.
The following 3 pairs of parts of speech are connected with auxpass
: en-pos/VERB-en-pos/AUX (490; 99% instances), en-pos/ADJ-en-pos/AUX (3; 1% instances), en-pos/ADV-en-pos/AUX (2; 0% instances).
# visual-style 9 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 9 fgColor:white
# visual-style 11 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 11 fgColor:white
# visual-style 11 9 auxpass color:blue
1 _ _ PRON PRP _ 2 nsubj _ _
2 _ _ VERB VBD _ 0 root _ _
3 _ _ ADP IN _ 5 case _ _
4 _ _ ADJ JJ _ 5 amod _ _
5 _ _ NOUN NNS _ 2 nmod _ _
6 _ _ PUNCT , _ 5 punct _ _
7 _ _ NOUN NN _ 5 conj _ _
8 _ _ DET WDT _ 11 nsubjpass _ _
9 _ _ AUX VBD _ 11 auxpass _ _
10 _ _ ADV RB _ 11 advmod _ _
11 _ _ VERB VBN _ 7 acl:relcl _ _
12 _ _ ADP IN _ 11 nmod _ _
13 _ _ CONJ CC _ 2 cc _ _
14 _ _ PRON PRP _ 15 nsubj _ _
15 _ _ VERB VBD _ 2 conj _ _
16 _ _ ADP IN _ 17 case _ _
17 _ _ NOUN NN _ 15 nmod _ _
18 _ _ PRON WP _ 21 iobj _ _
19 _ _ PRON PRP _ 21 nsubj _ _
20 _ _ AUX MD _ 21 aux _ _
21 _ _ VERB VB _ 17 acl:relcl _ _
22 _ _ DET PRP$ _ 24 nmod:poss _ _
23 _ _ ADJ JJ _ 24 amod _ _
24 _ _ NOUN NNS _ 21 dobj _ _
25 _ _ PUNCT . _ 2 punct _ _
# visual-style 2 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2 fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3 fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 2 auxpass color:blue
1 _ _ PRON PRP _ 3 nsubjpass _ _
2 _ _ AUX VBZ _ 3 auxpass _ _
3 _ _ ADJ JJ _ 0 root _ _
4 _ _ ADP IN _ 5 case _ _
5 _ _ NUM CD _ 3 nmod _ _
6 _ _ ADP IN _ 7 case _ _
7 _ _ NUM CD _ 3 nmod _ _
8 _ _ CONJ CC _ 3 cc _ _
9 _ _ PRON PRP _ 12 nsubj _ _
10 _ _ VERB VBZ _ 12 cop _ _
11 _ _ ADP IN _ 12 case _ _
12 _ _ ADJ JJ _ 3 conj _ _
13 _ _ ADP IN _ 14 case _ _
14 _ _ NOUN NN _ 12 nmod _ _
15 _ _ PUNCT . _ 3 punct _ _
# visual-style 23 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 23 fgColor:white
# visual-style 24 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 24 fgColor:white
# visual-style 24 23 auxpass color:blue
1 _ _ ADV RB _ 6 advmod _ _
2 _ _ ADP IN _ 4 case _ _
3 _ _ DET DT _ 4 det _ _
4 _ _ NOUN NN _ 5 nmod _ _
5 _ _ NOUN NN _ 6 nsubj _ _
6 _ _ VERB VBZ _ 0 root _ _
7 _ _ PUNCT `` _ 8 punct _ _
8 _ _ NOUN NNS _ 6 dobj _ _
9 _ _ ADJ JJ _ 8 xcomp _ _
10 _ _ PUNCT '' _ 8 punct _ _
11 _ _ CONJ CC _ 6 cc _ _
12 _ _ DET DT _ 13 neg _ _
13 _ _ NOUN NN _ 15 nmod _ _
14 _ _ PRON PRP _ 15 nsubj _ _
15 _ _ VERB VBD _ 6 conj _ _
16 _ _ PART TO _ 17 mark _ _
17 _ _ VERB VBD _ 15 xcomp _ _
18 _ _ ADJ JJ _ 19 amod _ _
19 _ _ SYM $ _ 17 dobj _ _
20 _ _ NUM CD _ 19 nummod _ _
21 _ _ CONJ CC _ 15 cc _ _
22 _ _ NOUN NN _ 24 nsubjpass _ _
23 _ _ AUX VBD _ 24 auxpass _ _
24 _ _ ADV RB _ 15 conj _ _
25 _ _ ADP IN _ 27 case _ _
26 _ _ ADP IN _ 25 mwe _ _
27 _ _ VERB VBG _ 24 nmod _ _
28 _ _ NOUN NN _ 27 dobj _ _
29 _ _ PUNCT . _ 6 punct _ _
Treebank Statistics (UD_English-LinES)
This relation is universal.
503 nodes (1%) are attached to their parents as auxpass
501 instances of auxpass
(100%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent).
Average distance between parent and child is 1.20675944333996.
The following 2 pairs of parts of speech are connected with auxpass
: en-pos/VERB-en-pos/AUX (501; 100% instances), en-pos/VERB-en-pos/VERB (2; 0% instances).
# visual-style 5 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 5 fgColor:white
# visual-style 6 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6 fgColor:white
# visual-style 6 5 auxpass color:blue
1 The _ DET DEF _ 3 det _ _
2 converted _ ADJ PASS _ 3 amod _ _
3 data _ NOUN PL _ 6 nsubjpass _ _
4 will _ AUX PRES-AUX _ 6 aux _ _
5 be _ AUX INF _ 6 auxpass _ _
6 displayed _ VERB PASS _ 0 root _ _
7 as _ ADP _ _ 12 case _ _
8 Mom _ NOUN SG _ 10 amod _ _
9 's _ PART GEN _ 8 case _ _
10 Boston _ PROPN SG _ 12 compound _ _
11 Crab _ NOUN SG _ 10 name _ _
12 Meat _ NOUN SG _ 6 nmod _ _
13 . _ PUNCT Period _ 6 punct _ _
# visual-style 3 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3 fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4 fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 3 auxpass color:blue
1 It _ PRON PERS-SG _ 4 nsubjpass _ _
2 had _ AUX PAST-AUX _ 4 aux _ _
3 got _ VERB PERF _ 4 auxpass _ _
4 filled _ VERB PASS _ 0 root _ _
5 since _ ADP _ _ 7 case _ _
6 my _ PRON P1SG-GEN _ 7 nmod:poss _ _
7 boyhood _ NOUN SG _ 4 nmod _ _
8 with _ ADP _ _ 9 case _ _
9 rivers _ NOUN PL _ 4 nmod _ _
10 and _ CONJ _ _ 9 cc _ _
11 lakes _ NOUN PL _ 9 conj _ _
12 and _ CONJ _ _ 9 cc _ _
13 names _ NOUN PL _ 9 conj _ _
14 . _ PUNCT Period _ 4 punct _ _
auxpass in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]